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It might not end them, but they're a very radioactive brand and in deep trouble

Published on 22 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

They got caught not hiring white guys by James O'Keefe undercover investigation, but they ALSO don't hire men that might be black but don't look black enough. The bigger concern is, many other companies are also doing this.

When will this end and when will this toxic company just go away off already?

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deathdealer 9 months ago

Spot on, however I think this will come down to the two way rifle range.

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NeoGeoGamer 9 months ago

Everyone is talking about Jewish supremacy now. Remember when this topic was considered off-limits? Turns out all we needed was for the bagel boys to commit a genocide to realize it's okay to criticize them.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Yep... down with the MSheU and DSheU... We got Rippaverse, Cyberfrog, and countless others ComicsGate to support including Florida Man, Pirate Queen, Nexus, Arachna, Thin Blue Line, etc... to replace them Main er Lame Stream media... and thete's manga and anime too (or adult hentai...) Who needs these corporate liars. With any luck, I'll replace Star Wars with one or two projects, one involving Dragons... teaching Dismal Disney how it's done and to stop hiring pedos...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Damn... Microwave head?

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It's the evolution of the Tin Foil Hat or The Aluminium Foil Deflector Beanie - This is the pinnacle of the psychotronic mind control protective devices.

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* FOOTNOTE: The American spelling** of aluminum is used here. If you are searching for more information on aluminum, be aware that the British spell it "aluminium" (and pronounce it accordingly). ** HISTORICAL FOOTNOTE: Aluminum was originally named "alumium" by Sir Humphry Davy, who later changed it to "aluminum" (perhaps in an attempt to make it more Latinized since alumen is Latin for alum, the aluminum compound that the name is derived from). The British (and allied English speakers) shortly thereafter changed the name once more, this time to "aluminium" so that it would again match the pattern of most other elements (helium, sodium, etc.), while the North Americans eventually decided to keep the second, slightly more traditional name. I predict that North Americans will adopt the more regular "-ium" spelling by the year 2050, prompting the British to start calling it "alumininium". At that point debate can begin on changing "platinum" to "platinium"

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Burn these fag hags empire to the ground.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Well, fire and brimstone is going kind of Biblical... I saw just Budweiser their ass lwtting WEF the Blavkrock Investment goons know we aten't putting up with this shit... if they loose the lame stream medoa, Jewkraine, their beer beverage companies, and our US, UK, and German elections... on boy, the fun begins then... I say bring back tar and feathering for traitorous politicians and judges, Salem bitch trials and yeah, we can roast them if you want, and armed militias at the voting booths... I say we put butane camping ovens under ever elected delegate's ass... Think Dr. No but with fires not sharks or laser sharks. They need a flame to light their asses; fine, we'll supply one. And I'm half-joking... or am I? Make Butane Ovens Common!

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Iiterally typed out SAY twice? How the fuck is it saw again?!

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