It’s our NHS Prime Minister!
Published on 22 Oct 2021 / In
Film & Animation
It's looking like RIP possibly for the NHS? Onmce a society or Countries Health care collapses then you know the end is near? The thing is I cant see what the out come is apart from being BAD? How is this going to better things with these Psychopath's Great Reset? Haven't seen my "QUACK"doctor in 2 years, not even a phone call about my anual flu jab or blood test?
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Yes, scare people and hope they do something foolish. That will justify the military response. Net effect, dead people.
As a bit of an outlier regarding depending on medical doctors, barring such injuries like broken bones, when it comes to viruses, and other internal abnormalities, I still think it better to learn more about self treatment through God's herbs. Is it any "wonder" that certain nations "discourage" such knowledge? Barring a miracle from God, the only other alternative (which can't be stopped, regardless of man's foolish efforts) is death.