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Jack Ass Beats Up A Donkey And The Donkey Attacks Jack Ass And Beats him Up Badly!?

Published on 12 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Serves the cunt right.

It's actually a real insult to the donkey - it's rude, nasty and disrespectful.
And I guess this retarded prick was doing to the donkey what was done to him...

I can talk with my cats.... and ask them to come in or listen to them and observe them, when they want to go out....
And I train myself to curb my frustration when they want to slow right down and pause - while checking for mice, while I stand there with the door open.... AND I make the effort to appreciate them and their skills, and we get along really well.

Sometimes if there are swarms of mosquitoes wanting to rush in while the door is being held open I might "encourage them" to come in a little faster....

And over time, just asking them "to come inside" generally works....

Why? - Because the mosquitos here can carry some "really nasty" diseases..... as in severe sickness for years or brain damage etc...

So some times, there can be a real sense of urgency when asking them inside, or when they ask to come back inside...

And they are / have "getting / gotten it" when I open the door for them, to briskly come inside, without delay and to not loiter.

As part of the mosquito surveillance program, captured mosquitoes are tested for Ross River virus (RRV), Barmah Forest Virus, Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and West Nile/Kunjin virus. Table 1 lists all viral detections in mosquitoes for the 2022/2023 season.

Viral detections in trapped mosquitoes for the 2022/2023 season by LGA

These diseases are being detected everywhere.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Yeah, an animal that makes a better guard dog than... a guard dog(?), I wouldn't fvck with it. Idiots HAVE to be taught the hard way. The donkey seemed more annoyed (the guy's punches had no effect) than anything. I HEARD up close and personal, the loud thud of one donkey exerting his dominance in their hierarchy, by sidehead butting another, and the other one literally shook it off. Lol. This donkey is having some "fun" with this clown, since he could've literally ripped this clown's foot off his leg.

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You know with a bif of love and affection our fellow creatures will go out of their way to look after you... Fuck Knuckles and the Donkey - It's a deep insult to the donkey....

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Straven 2 years ago

I got way too good a laugh out of that.

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Notice how the cunt squeals..... That is sufficiently good reason to leave the donkey at it.... and maybe beat the kid up a heap more for being a cunt....

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