Jackie Singh Is Why Kum Bucket Harris Will Be The End Of America

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Published on 27 Aug 2024 / In
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Kamala's hubby is like the embodiment of a OofyDoofy
The Europeans should have never allowed the Indians and Blacks to have access to their resources and technology. They should have left them in their primitive mud huts since both grounds are genetic dead ends.
The Hamites (blacks, Indians, Pacific Islanders), women, and Jews are a burden to be around and these groups should be banned from having rights and a public platform because they will destroy everything that they touch.
Hey Amir, can you add a sorting function to the videos? I want to watch older videos and don't want to scroll all the way back. Would be great if you can implement it.
In the Tanakh it refers to all who are not Jewish as cattle, to be controlled, enslaved or eliminated. The Koran has similar verses. If the West is to fall then those who ran will not be welcome back but considered yellow and not welcome. If they do nuke us then there will be no place on earth safe for any thing living. Speaking as a goya a supposed cattle I assure you my dear friend that what will rise from the asses will make those who were clad in skins that were known as berserkers, those who raised Constantinople and Jerusalem killing every living thing in their path will be let lose once again and there will be no place on earth safe. No celler, no complex, no hidden valley. I like you young man you have wisdom, but do you have the guts to truly be considered an American. The people of Judah broke the covenant with God. And to my knowledge God has not given them another nor forgive them for their transgressions. There fore what these pigs are, are liars, thieves and con-men. Not to mention corrupted because as Jesse said they are a stiff neck People. God's Covenant is now with those who believe in his word. To put yourself in God's Place for vengeance is God's and God's alone is foolish and arrogant. Peace be with you, God is Great. God is coming, there will be no mercy, just Justice.