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Jackie Singh Is Why Kum Bucket Harris Will Be The End Of America


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Published on 27 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 5 months ago

Kamala's hubby is like the embodiment of a OofyDoofy

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Izzy 6 months ago

The Europeans should have never allowed the Indians and Blacks to have access to their resources and technology. They should have left them in their primitive mud huts since both grounds are genetic dead ends.

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Alex568 6 months ago

Europeans have become completely cucked, their current state is shameful and disgraceful. Their ancestors would be rolling in their graves if they could see how weak their progeny has become.

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Tell that to the Romans and Israelites regarding the german/Scandinavian snownigger barbarians from the north. Western Rome collapse, and holocaust world War 2, today we have a genocide without a war of half of the male population (average =incels) because of the stupid destructive idea of women rights. Yes Greco romans would be rolling in their graves seeing back in ancient times inferiors like celts, scandinavians, slavs, Indians, blacks becoming many and strong, at the top of the food chain, who don't have what Aristotle called being the chosen, Greco-roman-hebrews were the chosen, had/have the moderate climate, medium skin tone that tans gloriously, more dominant masculine traits like black/brown haired ,intelligent, courageous, Mediterranean charm/character and beautiful culture/art/philosophy. It's something that makes you want to cry, give up on this world.

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Ok being white nationalist cucked. White nationalists become who they are because they see white American go with black guys, which is bad with female shortage, hard strong headed American women, and black or spic women are less attractive on average plus maybe more bad boy oriented than anglo women. Spiritual genetics is real. A thousand years ago, anglos were barbarians in tribes in forests or north pole were pagans, being ooga ooga with tattoos. Anglo women love tattoos, bad boys, blacks because they represent that barbarian that harkens back to when they were ooga ooga barbarian pagans. Muslims a thousand years ago had technology for civilization and had time for arts, philosophy, science. Yes Arab "ishmaelite" women less attractive but that means they won't worship them like in America with anglo women, they focus more on patriarchy and other knowledge matters.

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Say what you want about the ancient Greeks, Romans, Hebrews. It could be puritanical bias, but despite wanting to impose their culture and genetics because they knew they were the best better, and maybe engaging in wanton hedonism, they always remained patriarchal no women rights, women stayed home quiet or in brothel, and fathers 100 percent chose who their daughter married with a dowry.

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My suggestion to you is if you are non-chad white guy or gal, go after brunettes to produce tall dark handsome children, David gandy phenotype is the number 1 most desirable in the world. If you are like Amir med exotic non-curry guy, get some Ukranian girl blondish blue eyes to produce children that look Italian or something, although I will say Europe is all the diversity we really need, different phenotypes and nations. America is separate from Europe, see America as a shopping mall or large corporation, that's all it is. There are no plazas to drink wine, discuss philosophy like in ancient Greece or Rome, America doesn't offer that okay boyos.

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Izzy 6 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: I disagree with you that Ethnonationalism is cucked. Most so called white nationalists today are just pan-Europeans who promote universal racial collectivism which is just another step that leads to multicultural globalism. Each religious and ethnic group among the white race should have their own nation and government that represents their own interests. I do agree with you that Anglos and Northern Europeans have fucked the world by applying their cucked virtue signaling morality to other inferior groups like the indians, blacks, and hispanics which has inflated their population.

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Izzy 6 months ago

The Hamites (blacks, Indians, Pacific Islanders), women, and Jews are a burden to be around and these groups should be banned from having rights and a public platform because they will destroy everything that they touch.

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Skinssmp 6 months ago

Hey Amir, can you add a sorting function to the videos? I want to watch older videos and don't want to scroll all the way back. Would be great if you can implement it.

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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 2 months ago

Solution is to open new tab for each vid you wanna watch. It is what it is.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 6 months ago

In the Tanakh it refers to all who are not Jewish as cattle, to be controlled, enslaved or eliminated. The Koran has similar verses. If the West is to fall then those who ran will not be welcome back but considered yellow and not welcome. If they do nuke us then there will be no place on earth safe for any thing living. Speaking as a goya a supposed cattle I assure you my dear friend that what will rise from the asses will make those who were clad in skins that were known as berserkers, those who raised Constantinople and Jerusalem killing every living thing in their path will be let lose once again and there will be no place on earth safe. No celler, no complex, no hidden valley. I like you young man you have wisdom, but do you have the guts to truly be considered an American. The people of Judah broke the covenant with God. And to my knowledge God has not given them another nor forgive them for their transgressions. There fore what these pigs are, are liars, thieves and con-men. Not to mention corrupted because as Jesse said they are a stiff neck People. God's Covenant is now with those who believe in his word. To put yourself in God's Place for vengeance is God's and God's alone is foolish and arrogant. Peace be with you, God is Great. God is coming, there will be no mercy, just Justice.

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You need a mgtow gang bang.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 6 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: 75% chance of an STD, No thanks

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@BioWeapanSurvivor: I have fucked literally hundred times. No STDs. Ok go wear a face mask also, and please stay in the US, we whore maxxers want to whore max in other countries that embrace life, sexuality.

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@BioWeapanSurvivor: BioWeapanSurvivor:My cum is an elixir of life, the girls I have cummed inside its almost like they get the elixir of life, they get their MOJO.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 6 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: Do as you please. In my time you would be called a different name. Dog

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BioWeapanSurvivor 6 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: Morals, Ethics and Values. Try it out for once .

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Avacados 6 months ago

@BioWeapanSurvivor: nukes aren't real

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BioWeapanSurvivor 6 months ago

@Avacados: Tell that to my testies

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Avacados 6 months ago

@BioWeapanSurvivor: Your balls got nuked?

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BioWeapanSurvivor 6 months ago

@Avacados: When they stop talking and start throwing it is best to be inside the blast radious. Three seconds and your are free of the Hell that will follow.

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Avacados 6 months ago

@BioWeapanSurvivor: yeah, I'm not worried about that.

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