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Japan's Government Launches Dating App To Combat Extinction | Declining Birth Rates DESTROY Japan

Published on 06 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

Tokyo to launch dating app to combat declining birth rates. Authorities in the Japanese capital announced the launch of a dating app for young singles to encourage marriage and address the country's dramatic drop in birth rates. The new initiative joins many others that have so far been unsuccessful. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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SolidSnake33 8 months ago

Dating apps are cancer. Prove me wrong.

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SolidSnake33 8 months ago

Government will not solve your problems, government only exacerbates problems to then offer "solutions" to new problems that never existed until they offered their policy. TWRA OR DIE.

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SolidSnake33 8 months ago

TWRA OR DIE. It's that simple. You either grow a pair of testicles with regards to your women or you tolerate women's empowerment to lead to to your destruction. Men need to grow the fuck up.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

That's funny.. the only place in Japan with its highest birthrate is where our Naval base is located! Coincidence? I think not... I mean if I had say twice the annual income though trice would be better, I'd take a couple of those Christmas Trees and be raising haifus... Thank God I do not have the time and the money.

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Toki 8 months ago

If you let Gov exist at all I don't want to torture new souls by bringing them into the Earth realm of human idiots.
Confusing? It's quite simple really. Find a prostitute and pay her or not. If you get it for free you're a Chad I guess. Easy to get it for free. Either way women exploit other men for wealth in exchange for sex so why mingle with them at all? They are terrible selfish creatures.
Confused yet? So confusing huh? How's this for confusing? Bring new tax slaves into the system by procreating for your Gov. No thank you. I'll let my peasant bloodline of parents being compliant NPC voters die out. Sadly my NPC sister condemned three new males to suffer paying for her lifestyle. I don't take advantage of them in any way though. My parents are also glad to have their three tax slave grandsons for retirement plus me being their slave being forced to pay for my mother's luxury through women's welfare and household debts. My sister can't manage her finances either. Both of them are overeaters raising the price of foods. Myself and my three nephews are healthy BMI and can't afford to eat like that because we aren't on welfare. It's a disaster of a system that is unfit for newborn males being used as future slaves. In a society that hates them by default because they are male.
Cry about it women. Then go get jobs and support yourselves. I'm sure your managers will pay for sex. That's why they are managers after all. Go baby trap those sociopath management type assholes. MeToo cops, military, state governor, etc. But leave average productive Good working men alone. You want daddy Gov then go whore yourselves out to them such as Hunter Biden's harem for all I care.
Who needs dating apps when we have waifus in modern day?
Also the world is honestly already overpopulated. You aren't entitled to free healthcare right? I know I'm not. So 99% of people should not reproduce. It's that simple. If you do have a baby it's property of your Gov, not yours. Plus the fact births and everything is a business, not a culture. By having kids you're just being taken advantage of.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

True dat: I think it's funny our Navy is the reason they have such a high birth rte pulling it up... yep, fucking sailkors... I knw I was one.

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Toki 8 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Oh I'm sure the local men really enjoy migrants with guns and battleships turning their women into whores. Hopefully they will at least make some half-fus. Half-fu females are perhaps the best as TFM says. Most anime waifus are half-fu. JP female beauty is quite good to begin with. But you add a Caucasian woman's bigger curves, and hopefully lighter features like blonde hair. Oh man that's the best. Still not as good as actual waifus but as good as it gets for biofemales.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

@Toki: I don't know if they'll care. The sailors are likely knocig up the Christmas Trees, which they abandon sexually or at least for marriage.

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