Damn. She's like marriage material? (Not that I would marry...) She has two parents, knew her grandfather, cooks, works, er works out everyday pulling that thing, she's sociable and smiles, she's smart having to figure out foot traffic patterns everyday on the fly, etc... How many American women can meet at least three of these?
With GOOD high pressure tyres - that run at 120 PSI - that thing is piss easy to push on the flats. I used to tow a user built bicycle trailer, behind my bicycle - AND - across the open plains aerodynamics, wind resistance, wheel diameter, the lack of swing arms and basic wheel only suspension, and rough roads ---- it all became strenuious mental computations in what eats up the typical riders 200W of cycling power... You would be surprised at just how much room for improvement you can figure out on dimpled tarmac, into a modestly stiff breeze - will gift you. The cubic load on the trailer is a shitty little parachute, the small trolly tyres - well the RPM, the rolling resistance, and the bearings etc., ALL add up - so get the 20" high pressure BMX wheels and tyres... and put them on suspended swing arms, because bouncing the load up and down USES up a lot of power... and make the box, aerodymanic with a VERY low CD. But the trailer was very good for HUGE loads, at modest speeds, for modest distances... a FEW K here and there, not 50 - 70 Km...
If she put swing arms on that - with say 3" or 4" of travel that would make for a much better thing to push... All that energy to get it moving - translates into lifting and dropping the ENTIRE weight, when going over bumps... THAT is a big loss of forward energy being converted into energy losses... But just the wheels travelling up and down the bumps, retains almost all the forward rolling energy.
@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Good idea, but I don't think her grandfather was into BMX biking... they may not have that is fascist mercsntile Clmmunist Chiina-- er she's in Japan...with a ll the American Navsl swinging dicks there..hmmm, there could be a chance....
@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: If she gets a place to sell her food, she'll need some stairs to go up and down on to keep that skinny ass... Yeah, it could work out. I'm surprised an American sailor isn't hitting that!?!
@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Idk... I think you and that other AussieVoodoo medic are into masochism. I mean yeah, it's Australia and Voodoo's kind of weird furry fucking unknowns in furry costumes snd apparently Abos i his or his parents sex dungeons... so and then there halfie American Sidney Watson NO EGGS now... she seemed to take a liking to Middle Easterners... for a white bitch, that's kind of S&My to me?! I do remember the Aussie flight crews in the war Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL,) er I mean Freedom for us to take it OIF... them fuckers outdrank the Brits and brought pizzas on our long flights but damn they cockblocked the fuck out of their women but felt free to fuck with our American nurses...
Maybe I need to watch or see more Aussies... I may not have the best samples of your country, or worst seen the best ones there-- I mean with Joker's hard on for Jaina tje Sex In Aussie City slut... I had hopes for Ms. Watson as a uhm "Conservative"..
@WMHarrison94: I first thought Watson was kind of handsome, kind of interesting and kind of entertaining - but as time wore on, she was like a dumb fuck, stuck in a rut, pulling faces over the latest outrage of the day, at her camera.... and it just went on like that for years... SO I messaged her a few times, saying, "You need to meet a nice man, fuck each others brains out, and pop out a few kids - before you run out of time" - and I sent that every year or so for a few years and the dumb cunt did not reply and then she got old, infertile, the guys stopped looking at her, then she got all bitter and twisted and fell on top of every MGTOW guy - mostly out of spite and she has apparently vanished into oblivion..... Nope - "Sydney Watson is an ugly old bag, who's big fat face, has begun to sag". Still having the daily complaint list and pulling faces at the camera..... https://www.youtube.com/@SydneyWatson/videos
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Damn. She's like marriage material? (Not that I would marry...) She has two parents, knew her grandfather, cooks, works, er works out everyday pulling that thing, she's sociable and smiles, she's smart having to figure out foot traffic patterns everyday on the fly, etc... How many American women can meet at least three of these?
I bet she's thin...
Oh shit,... a woman working?!
dude is a pussy....
at least she is not living off a dudes work i guess....
hand cart, NOT a truck...