Jay Dyer: RED ALERT— UFO Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out
Published on 15 Dec 2024 / In
Jay Dyer: RED ALERT— UFO Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out
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Why doesn't some maniac just press the button and end everything, fine by me I no longer care anyways! Naturally just maybe nukes as they are sold don't exist anyway? Why compare them all the time to quantities of TNT, when something that BIG would surely have it's OWN measurement of power and not that of an existing force? As I say I no longer give a fuck, I'm now totally alone here through no fault of my own so WTF should I give a shit about any of this crap for?
The Revelation in the bible isn't a spooky prodiction, it's always been there to tell Us what WILL happen and it is, It's happening because a cliche of maniac's are taking it literally. the other thing is, What if whatever is controlling the mess at the moment has promised these assholes something? but history has shown that they will do the bidding on this promise, but will probably at the eleventh hour be destroyed or deceived themselves, how many times in history has that happened?
The thing is the so called ELITES way back in time CREATED Religion to create conflict. Then their was the Covid LIE that if you noticed after 3 years was suddenly dropped like a hot potsto and swept under the carpet. now we have in australia anyways, this thing thaat a Cancer is going to kill millions? How You Get Cancer you don't catch it? so without the insanity of these fuckwits that ain't going to hgappen, just fear mongering as usual. But Aliens? an Alien Invasion with toy drones over NJ> lol! Come on WTF, if Aliens did turn up I'd say "Take me to your leader" even if it did Mean some Anal probing! lol! Then there isn'tr any point of mentioning Feminism, that was created to fuck the minds of the WEAK and DELUDED, namely women, turning them into psychotic moron's just tio discredit MEN, to break the productive cycle both naturally and industrially? I no longer believe in a lot of the shit that comes out of these cunts asses because that is where the so called Elites talk from! lol! I take alan watt's view, "Live as if you are already DEAD" and it works, I don't fear death and I hope it's a new journey when I do passon, not long for me to go anyways but I'm ready I've already abandoned and removed or am removing myself from this insanity! lol!