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Jew Rabbis Fantasize About the Destruction of America

Published on 11 Feb 2023 / In News & Politics

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BioWeapanSurvivor 2 years ago

After World War I the Jewish industrialist in Germany betrayed the German people and worked a side deal with the Allies. While Germans were starving to death because of the collapse of the Currency these Jews lived just fine. Wonder why the German Leadership decided to deal with them. First they tried to have them move back to Palestine but that did not work out, so to protect the German People the Nazi's did the wrong thing and we will never hear the end of it. But before you think they are the only humans to be rounded up and exterminated just look at Asia, China, the Christian Armenian Genocide by the Muslims in Turkey, the Mongrel Hords, the Boar Wars in South Africa by the British, the hundreds of years of Muslim wars to conquer Europe etc, etc etc. Read your history that is not corrupted by these woke misguided M&Ms (mental midgets). Why do we help these fools, they think of us just the same way the Muslims think of us, as cattle to be used, lied to, enslaved and in the end exterminated. Wonder what God would say about that shit. Cut the funding now and let them deal with their half brothers in the middle east to resolve this family feud with out our blood, time or treasure. We could be reaching for the Stars with out this ancient family feud. Just an opinion but I do not want any more of my blood line spilled on those worthless shores.

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bigintol03 2 years ago

And that's why (((they))) were kicked out of 109 different countries, multiple times each!!! Honestly, can anyone really blame Hitler for doing what needed done?

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BioWeapanSurvivor 2 years ago

So if we are to go down, why on earth do we fund and support these hateful Jews?? Lets defund all United States Foreign Aid to Israel and let nature take its course. You say Christendom is doomed yet you do not provide solutions to the problem. Elitists is what you are and parasites on the world. We should not have sanctions against Russia but against Israel and then let Nature take it due course of action. My God is a loving and caring God. I have died now six times, walked hell and laded in Heaven weeping because I was in the presence of Gods Unconditional Love. You hateful little Jews.

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Not disregarding all your valid points I'm curious how do you come back from death 6 times and a lame joke do you have 3 more to go haha dont hurt me to badly bro as I said it's a lame joke. I'm curious to know what the other side is like as I have never died however I was near dear 5 times never been to the other side however all I saw and felt was complete darkness until God personally saw it fit to revive and bring back to the land of the living and to help do his bidding in correcting this hellhole and helping bring those lost souls back to God and the Light of our Lord. As I said I'm curious to know and a personal message to me can be done however I would want all to see as you know nowadays anyone that claims they have seen the otherside get met with fierce critics and your lying bro type of nonsense. So if you don't mind I'd like to hear and if anyone else wants to positively chime in they can. I'm glad that 6 attempts couldn't break and take you and when you do brother it will be straight to the Lord himself and I will see you there with him save me seat at the party because when we arrive in heaven we going to throw a rager with the big man himself haha :D God bless you and Godspeed brother \G/

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BioWeapanSurvivor 2 years ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I survived an assassination attempt to murder me and cover up the theft of tens of millions of dollars from a military base state side. The Government Doctors told me in 1997 that I had six months to live and to make peace with God since I had been exposed to a Biologial Warfare Agent. The now dead scum who ordered my death is now burning in hell with his hands, feet and head covered in black fire. The local towns foke that paid him information is know to the Military but I do not know if any thing was done to them. I have two golf ball scar tissue in the brain from microwave attacks, my frontal lobe of my brain has only two finger wide left alive. My central nevous system was so damaged that I could not go out in the heat of day with out my central nervous system shutting down. I live with pain in my skull like knives scrapping the inside of my skull, ( you can get used to a lot if you want to live). Around 2000 my body started to have open wounds on the joints, all joints of my body that took years to heal. My body was covered in open wounds, blood blisters some as large as four inches in diameter. The Local Doctors were useless except to cut me open to remove dead tissue which they did at my expense. As far as hell is concerned I walked it without fear but knew that this was a final place for the wicked. One place just had women all reaching and screaming , another had a place where women, men, doctors and nurses that committed abortions stood like stumps in a field of pink which moved and covered them. The pink was fetuses whipering Mommy Daddy over and over. The looks on their faces of those forced to stand there were of abject horror. Another place I saw Men and some women who just reached out. The other two times are personal. The last time I died, I had given up hope on making it to heaven and comtemplated revenge, figureing that if I was going to Hell I would have alot of company. That is when I finally died and found my self in the most beautiful place I have ever been. Not by sight but by the over whelming knowledge that I was loved and in the presence of the uncoditional love of God. All I could do was lay there naked in a very nice body I might say weaping uncontrolably. I then heard a vocie say, he is over here and soon I was surronded by what looked like three male and two females. I asked them if this was heaven and one male said yes. I then asked them if they were Angles and the male said yes. At that all I could was continue to weep and repeated over and over, I made it , I made it. I made it. Then one of the Angles said yes but you have to go back your not done. I cried out that there was nothing back there but pain and just let stay where I was. I begged them to just let me stay and I would just lay right there forever. But they said I had to go back that i was not finished. I awoke on the operating table surround by nurse and doctors, The room was ice cold but they were covered in sweat head to toe and looked worn out. I now know what Hell is, it is the absence of Gods unconditional Love. I do not fear death but do fear the loss of Gods love. In my family, my farther was raised by the American Indians in the Dakotas and the Indian called him a Seer. While I was covered in open wounds head to toe I met a Great Grand Master whom after several events concluded that I in her opinion was a very strong impath. I have seen the destruction of the cost of Texas and the murder of millions by the hands of these animals that fear not the loss of God's love. I have some traveled over 100 miles in a trance while seeing the destruction and murder that will kill millions within a few seconds. I also learned that vengence is sayth the Lord God All Mighty and that to take vengence is to have my soul damed. This is not paradise, this mud hole is a painful proving ground to separate the wheet from the shaff. So as I sit here I wonder if I have completed my mission, but know that my death will be in a wall of fire as high as the sky, for I have also seen my death. Each day is non eventful each meal is like ash and all I want is to return home and leave this place behind. This earth is the evil ones domain, never forget that, untill God returns.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 2 years ago

Each time I was pulled out of Hell by a Giant light shimmering hand while claws ripped and tore at me to keep me in Hell. Do you know what it is to have an Angle whisper to you go here and each time I was left with free will to or not to assist. These fools that think they are above us have been lied to and will be rewarded with the punishment that no one deserves. To be in the presence of God's Unconditional love is paradise.

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@BioWeapanSurvivor: WOW thank you brother for sharing you have certainly been through it and then some, I will read your message multiple times as I agree with all you have said and sometimes I fall back into my bad habits of focusing on trivial things and that which is in front of me and not the bigger picture. I agree 10,000 % Gods unconditional love is all that matters and this earth/realm is just a testing ground. I have met a few native Americans myself and they are amazing and wise people just like some of my friends and family from indo Sikhi background that are solely devoted to God and I may not be a seer myself I have noticed strange things out of my control and God's Hand at work, I also have a good bad relationship with angels e.g those who serve God and dislike those angels that betrayed God. Thank you for sharing we are in many ways similar and this is my first glance at your messages and will go through again and discuss with you again as I wish to learn more from you furthermore God is not through with you yet and indeed strive for his unconditional love as that is the only most important thing that matters. Be blessed my brother wholeheartedly and when we all get our chance to meet our maker I hope we all can stand tall and proud and receive his unconditional love. Much respect Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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@BioWeapanSurvivor: Yo brother going over and reading your messages and pain and struggle over again and wow just wow. Indeed let us worthy never be far from God's unconditional Love and feel no pain as we are near to him. Give em hell and I am glad to know and read your story over again as the struggles of life and death nothing compared to Losing God's unconditional love. God bless you, me and all those worthy of God's Love and I hope he saves those worthy before he nukes the west. God bless and God speed brother \G/

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 years ago

@9:40 lol yossi misrachi

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 years ago

What they are saying is true biblically

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Most likely because they are the one's behind it all and forcing it to happen behind everyone's eyes. \G/

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