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Jewtube has just DELETED my account

Published on 15 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Welcome to the club... I was canceled as I warned them in October 2020 how Hiding Biden was going to steal the 2020 elections in November.

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It was really a compilation of the fact that Jew tube has shadowbanned me on all accounts for YEARS... AND I had not really done anything, other than express the joy of life... AND they are just cunts... then they started to shadow ban me in advance...... AND before shadow banning me, they were deleting a lot of my comments... SO after a HUGE fight with their administration, for all the bullshit they had been doing to me and a LOT of other people, I just deleted all my comments and had NULL and VOID parked, dead end accounts, AND then these cunts ended Amrs account - so I did a mixed parody about the issue of Jewtube closing peoples accounts..... I stopped talking in bits towards the end of it because I was laughing so hard.. So I dubbed in the "Bag Of Laughs" sound track , so people would "get it" - that when I say "Fuck Jewtube" - it really is a case of, "Oh Jewtube - Oh ha ha ha ha ha..... Fuck Them!"....

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