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Jill the Junkie in Bimb -O- Nomics

Published on 20 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

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She is crazy, she is drug fucked, and she is an idiot.

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Drums_McBashington 3 years ago

Too vague. That describes several billion of them.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

While I think being rude is uncalled for, she should have attempted to do her job and be helpful. Dealing with assholes of all sorts is a part of working in retail. This is only one example of how unprofessional many woman truly are behind the thin facade of ‘professionalism’.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

I’m glad I work in a work environment of only dudes. We have a ‘female manager’ but the higher (real) manager always gives her time off.

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I had talked to about 10 women in the last hour and 5 of them were fucking numb skulls, and I got fed up with her psychotic "shift - jump - shift" concept jumping shit - she came across as a junkie who was off her face.... Writing it out "He said this" and "She said that" and it starts to make a lot of sense... Kind of like calling the fish market and asking how much is the tuna... and they say "Oh we have run out of it" - And then asking "Well what is the usual going price or what was todays stock selling for?" - and that just turns into an idiot set of games of 400 words to get a yes or no answer - map the discordance and deviations...

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Women call anyone "Oh your very rude" as the standard back door defence to hide behind their shit, by trying to make you the problem. It's called avoiding accountability by projection.

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Drums_McBashington 3 years ago

The best part is how she'll get madder and madder, with each telling and retelling, of her horrendous experience with a misogynizer. By the end of the day, you will be Jack the Ripper and you teleraped her.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Although I don't condone be rude to somebody over the phone just because she's a femon. It did demonstrate at first she was a bubbly nice person wanting to help and at a snap of a finger turn into the true nature of a femon, which was completely opposite

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Drums_McBashington 3 years ago

@SoloMan Zone: Their deceptive nature makes them completely untrustworthy. Most of them have 'resting bitch face' because when they forget to maintain the façade for a moment, you see the actual resting bitch behind the mask. I find the more bubbly they are, the more nasty the beast under the bubbles. I'm polite and give them a chance to be competent before anything else. ...but I also don't engage unless I have to, so most interactions are instigated by them, and my response is based on their approach.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

@Drums_McBashington: They are forever actresses in a "B" movie

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I had talked to about 10 women in the last hour and 5 of them were fucking numb skulls, and I got fed up with her psychotic "shift - jump - shift" concept jumping shit - she came across as a junkie who was off her face.... Writing it out "He said this" and "She said that" and it starts to make a lot of sense... Kind of like calling the fish market and asking how much is the tuna... and they say "Oh we have run out of it" - And then asking "Well what is the usual going price or what was todays stock selling for?" - and that just turns into an idiot set of games of 400 words to get a yes or no answer - map the discordance and deviations...

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Women call anyone "Oh your very rude" as the standard back door defence to hide behind their shit, by trying to make you the problem. It's called avoiding accountability by projection.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Yes buddy, you can be rude, but femons can't take any criticism as they are not use to it, she showed her true colors fast

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I had talked to about 10 women in the last hour and 5 of them were fucking numb skulls, and I got fed up with her psychotic "shift - jump - shift" concept jumping shit - she came across as a junkie who was off her face.... Writing it out "He said this" and "She said that" and it starts to make a lot of sense... Kind of like calling the fish market and asking how much is the tuna... and they say "Oh we have run out of it" - And then asking "Well what is the usual going price or what was todays stock selling for?" - and that just turns into an idiot set of games of 400 words to get a yes or no answer - map the discordance and deviations...

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