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Joan Jett - Interviewed by Aussie Sacks of Shit - Esp Liza Wilkinson at 3:08 - two faced feminist arsehole.

Published on 03 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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When Joan Jet and the Black Hearts came to Melbourne Australia, WE - a rag tag pack of fuck ups, were asked to give her a her a "Righteous Bro Biker" escort from the Tullamarine Airport, into the Melbourne City....

PR and accolades you see.

However we could best be described as weed and booze binging fuck ups, somewhere between one job and another and none of us were in outlaw clubs and none of the regulars owned Harleys....

AND the Australian Promoters, me thinks, were last minute rush job idiots doing it all on the super cheap and the super nasty.....

Not prepared to formally organise anything in advance, nor to pay for the guard of "On Her" leading the limo into town.

From my reasonably inaccurate and vague memory, we were not even offered tickets to see the show, nor a decent cut lunch and coffee and a tank of fuel and even a meet and greet with the megastars - but we were ever so graciously offered to be seen with some US megastar from the other side of the planet, by riding two per breast, ahead of Muh Ladies's car along some 30 of 40 Km of freeway, on our own time, at our own expense, in the middle of the day, with nothing more than a few hours notice.

Go all the way out to the air port, mill around and find a heap of pay your own way $$$$$$ airport parking, and then wait for Muh Ladies to roll out in the Limo, and then ride all the way back into the city ahead of them.... and then go home after we had been used up, for HER promotion.

AS I recall...

Say an 80 Km round trip, on our own dime, by some grub of a PR agent....

"Yay" = Huge thrill.

I don't think anyone turned up....

I don't hate Joan, but THAT was a very shitty and badly organised event.

AND whoever did the organising - did a piss poor job of it.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

This stirred up quite the conversations... I like that!

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Good vid: You stirred up some forgotten memories...

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What? About how fucking stupid Australian TV show hosts are?

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: no Pat er Benitar and things we did listening you her or the radio...I'm not in the fairy land down under... RGaecquestions it's existence...

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@WMHarrison94: Arrrrrrhhh Yes - Pat Benetar singing "We Live for Love" in her electric blue tights... for which I have searched DEEPLY - as in hard, very hard... NO TRACE.

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@WMHarrison94: I really, really, really looked SO hard for that song / video.... Never found it. Also Chat GPT is not a lot of help either... It has generic "waffle on" responses, when it can't find exact information...... "How many subatomic particles in a hydrogen atom?" = This, this, this and this + deutrium and tritium.. etc... "Electric Blue Tights - video 1979" = might be here or there.. Nice body on her though..... Quite a lot like the Darkie in another video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNT8XkVoOKE and the darkie Same body... and similar looks... https://www.mgtow.tv/v/3bezvr

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Yeah, with her talent, I just hope she didn't sell her soul: I hope that's why she went independent...I remember her and some of her songs...Come on baby hit me one more time...

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No one commented about how fucked the Australian TV show hosts are.

These are some of the most retarded lying cunts in the world.

Wilkinson came undone for contempt of court and for scamming along with Brittany Higgs - who was a drunken slut in parliament, who then turned around and cried rape...

Wilkinson is an absolute arsehole... "Feminism, Feminism - we are all victims" - when she is a liar, a cheat, a scam artist and a thief.

I have copies across videos about her and Higgs.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

But we are all victims of feminism: Ironically, they the feminists set men free as we refuse to put up with their shit. Marriages are dead: many children are dead; most unborn. Many a men are dead from either crazy cunts killing them or suicide post divorce in the illegal Family Courts.

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sauger1001 8 months ago

@WMHarrison94: All the more reason it's important for men to control their biology (HH)

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