Joe Biden: “ Whites will be an ABSOLUTE minority in America - that’s a source of our strength."
Published on 24 May 2021 / In
News & Politics
Joe Biden: “ Whites will be an ABSOLUTE minority in America - that’s a source of our strength."
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My isp showed up to fix my net and said their company just got a lot of money from the govt to *fix* outlaying communities/counties i think this is going in a direction I see as control look at china cannot afford a cell phone you get a card for your bank/social credit score. As a prof i had in college said after 9/11 he was not talking about terror ists he talked about control... MARRY outside of the country to ESCAPE.
Yeah Biden is such a race traitor, Fuck em.
Nobody hates white people more then white liberals
Prove me wrong
Wipe out your own race why don't you? Had to steal the election, no way your weak ass could have won on merit. Stolen elections have consequences.