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Joe Rogan is Under Unprecedented Censorship Attack, And He’s Never Been Happier

Published on 08 Feb 2022 / In News & Politics

⁣Joe Rogan is Under Unprecedented Censorship Attack, And He’s Never Been Happier

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KEEPER 3 years ago  

i had to edit this video so i could take out all the dumb commercials and other stuff that was irrelevant as info wars always puts in their videos.

so, your welcome lol.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

can you imagine if Joe Rogan joining Alex jones website?
that would cause a much bigger stink than what's currently going on, because people will flock to and this is something the main stream will want to stop at all costs.

but it would red pill so many, i'm not saying i agree with everything Alex Jones, but he's better off than some of these companies that allegedly say they are free speech, Jones has his own website that's just like youtube.

to be honest though, i don't even know how Alex affords all that bandwidth on his website as he's always releasing stuff and other people have joined his website and they add stuff regularly.

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sithsith 3 years ago

Rumble is offering Joe Rogan 100 million dollars to go and stream on his platform!

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KEEPER 3 years ago

yeah i know, and i'm sure the main stream will do their best to destroy that platform at all costs, but at this point kowtowing like Rogan did, isn't going to save him. honestly he would have been better off not apologizing at all as every one of the clips he was being criticized for were all out of context but at the same time why should it fucking matter when black people call themselves this word that nobody else can say for some unknown reason? it's all really fucking stupid political shit.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@KEEPER: Fuck the word nigger , vinegar or whatever! Of course it is not important, because leftists live in their minds not in reality!

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@sithsith: 1984 here we are.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@KEEPER: When everything goes to shit, leftists will die , including all the normies!

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@sithsith: well i'm kind of a normie to be honest with you, but if i die, i think i will be better off as i think i have had enough of this nonsense i might blow my brains out to make it stop lol. and there i go all black pilled ha ha.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@KEEPER: Well if you have gold, silver , ammo , food and never marry the whores showing their asses, then you are better than normies !

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@sithsith: i have some disabilities that will make survival rather impossible, sure i might last a while fending off for my stuff, but i'm not likely to survive what's coming. i have decided to enjoy the decline. i just hope others will survive and carry on and hopefully they can rebuild civilization and bring all the knowledge we fraught so hard for to protect can be passed down to the next generation.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@KEEPER: God Bless you brother!

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sithsith 3 years ago

@KEEPER: Freedom in our souls brother until death !

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sauger1001 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I'm black, and I'm probably the exception, bc I was raised by a father who saw stuff during his tour in Burma (WW II) that would probably make these b!tch made simps (L.O.M.) wet their pants. Rogan isn't a racist (imo), and I've heard more sh!t in the hood that might even make Rogan blush. "The Media Is The Virus". Infowars

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@sauger1001: agreed man, it reminds me of this whole jewish thing, if you call a jewish person a jew, they freak the fuck out like it's their race or some shit, lol and for whatever reason they actually have clout to get shit shut down when the jew's are being criticized in some way. they deserve to be criticized like everyone else in this world equally, all this race shit is stupid and is likely used to divide us so that we will continue to weaken ourselves further. the media is the fucking virus.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@sauger1001: Have you heard about the pineal gland being the part of the brain connected to the universe and God?

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sauger1001 3 years ago

@sithsith: The name rings a bell, but my memory is sketchy when it comes to its function.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@sauger1001: David Icke talks about it , it is where our consciousness is connected with our spiritual self and the universe . The third eye for Asians .

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