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John Bradshaw and Patrick Carnes: Together One More Time

Published on 17 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

Two giants in the field of recovery, John Bradshaw and Patrick Carnes, have labored separately and together to empower sexual health in people. Over a decade they did workshops together, called Sexual Shame: the Agony and the Ecstasy. Both were known for their inspiration and entertaining presentations.

They reunited for an evening to support the Houston Council on Addictions sponsored by the Meadows in Wickenburg where both have served as Senior Fellows for years. Production support came from the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) and the American Foundation for Addiction Research (AFAR).

John Bradshaw died peacefully on May 8, 2016. His death in effect makes this not only the last time these two icons of recovery help appear together, but John’s last public appearance. John’s life, books, and example has touched many millions of people. His PBS series have been one of the widely watched public broadcasting programs ever. He has written many books which continue to be on best seller lists including classics such as Bradshaw on the Family, Healing the Shame that Binds Us, and Homecoming.

On behalf of the Council, the Meadows, IITAP, and AFAR, their staffs, members and alumni, we post this recording of his last moment in public life to honor all that he has done and was.

For more information on John and his life: http://www.johnbradshaw.com/

For more information on Patrick and his work: http://patrickcarnes.com/

During this talk the following were also mentioned:
The Houston Council on Recovery - http://www.councilonrecovery.org/

The Meadows - https://www.themeadows.com/

International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals - https://www.iitap.com/

American Foundation for Addiction Research - https://addictionresearch.com/

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

@16:45 did this guy originate the 49?

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Honestly - I don't know what you mean by "The 49". It might be a difference in cultures and peculiar terms. "The 49" - I have never heard that as a question or term in Australia or ever. It's like me living in Australia, and we collectively get brainwashed with sports, like cricket in summer and foot ball (many types of games) in winter. So If I say, "Hit for a six" - most people in Australia know what it means. Most people in America have no idea what it means or have ever heard it. But "Hit for a six" is a type of hit - using a cricket bat, to a cricket ball, that sends the ball flying to the edge of the oval, that enables the two bats man to make 3 runs or from one end of the pitch to the other, so they get 6 runs. It's a bit like baseball when someone says, "It's a homer!" = "It's a home run" If I had no idea about baseball etc., I'd be thinking, "They are running home?" So if you care to explain it, I will try to answer it.

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