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John Kerry targets First Amendment to fight ‘disinformation’

Published on 30 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

The US has identified an enemy it can’t bomb, confusing senior Democrats. John Kerry, the second most famous man to lose an election to George W Bush, has lamented that ‘disinformation’ has made it ‘really hard to govern today.’ Speaking at a World Economic Forum panel, the former Secretary of State felt that the changing media landscape has made ‘disinformation’ much easier to access, and this is a problem, because now the American public are believing anything that’s true, not just the allowed things. ‘The referees we used to have to determine what is fact and what isn’t have kind of been eviscerated,’ he said.

Sadly for Democrats, there’s a pesky thing in the way of once again appointing themselves the ‘referee’ of fact: the US Constitution. ‘Our First Amendment stands as a major block to simply hammering [disinformation] out of existence,’ he said. So, apart from repealing those pesky laws that stop politicians persecuting their own people, what can be done? Kerry has the answer. Yes, that’s right, he does want more government.

‘I think democracies are very challenged right now and have not proven they can move fast enough or big enough to address the challenges we face.’ And as we all know, nothing moves faster than big government.

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