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Jordan Peterson admits that the sexual revolution only benefits Chads

Published on 30 Nov 2022 / In People & Blogs

Taken from this Sky News Australia video: ⁣

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RedPillSatori 2 years ago  

Everybody loses in our current society.

The Chads end up becoming narcissistic "pussy addicts", going through women, and often get #MeToo -ed by resentful women who got used by them.

The women end up becoming bitter and resentful towards all men when they can't find a high status male to settle down with them.

The bottom 90% of men are probably the best off, as long as they can make peace with, and accept, being alone.

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GhostxMGTOW 1 year ago

Extremely well said and played.

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Toki 2 years ago

It's benefits women, not Chads. Also Jordan is a hypocrite because of his whore daughter.

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RedPillSatori 2 years ago

True, there are benefits to women in terms of "monkey branching". The Sexual Revolution is a misnomer because it's really a "Hypergamous Revolution" more than anything else. Thanks for pointing that out.

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RedPillSatori 2 years ago

A lot of men joke about the Slut Walks, and how these "stupid" women are just giving men what they want by walking around topless, but they don't realize that those protest walks are just a big middle finger to men. It would be the equivalent of rich men, in a 3rd-world country, marching in the streets with wads of cash in their hand, flaunting their affluence in faces of poor women, saying things like: "My wallet my choice" and "All because I wear a nice suit and drive a nice car doesn't make you entitled to my money".

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RedPillSatori 2 years ago

Not gonna lie though..Mikaela is pretty hot. #WouldBang

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Toki 2 years ago

@RedPillSatori: I'm not impressed by topless women though. They don't have awesome anime tiddies. Rich men do exactly what you just said. Passport bros. Most humans in general are just awful. A good man is often single and purposely celibate in a protest to society and their sins. Also I can go to a strip club and see tiddies. Or use the internet. Big deal. The women who do that in public are just desperate for male attention. Give women nothing.

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Toki 2 years ago

@RedPillSatori: No she's all fake and a narcissist. High body count. I really don't find her attractive. I can think of a billion anime women who are sexier and not single moms.

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RedPillSatori 2 years ago

@Toki: Rich men do flaunt their wealth, but I meant in a way that would "mirror" or reverse the genders of the Slut Walks. Like saying nasty things about women, as group protest, mocking poor women while showing off their wealth. Can you imagine if guys did that? I am one of those "passport bros" in the Philippines, by the way. If I did flaunt my wealth (in such a disrespectful manner) they would probably slit my throat. I don't even dress nicely here, or wear jewelry/watches, just to be extra safe.

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Toki 2 years ago

@RedPillSatori: I hope you don't become a black market organ donor. As a foreigner you're on your own. The local men don't want you there if you aren't the same culture. Just saying it's totally not worth the hassle and risk just to get pre-used vagina. Also black men do say nasty things about women to their face and women like it. Or Muslim men. Part of impressing women and getting laid is being a piece of shit. Or being used. Be on the lookout for women asking you to pay for her parents house or something. At least my harem of waifus are safe from immigrating men who will pay them for sex lol. But a rela women can't be trusted. You may be able to buy some 3rd world women but if Bill Gates comes to town looking for a plaything they will drop you to sleep with that weirdo. So ultimately you are being used by them. That's what women do.

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