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Jordan Peterson on female nature and its negative impact on culture

Published on 14 Jun 2022 / In News & Politics

In this clip, which also features Warren Farrell, JP discusses how female nature is contributing to the climate of censorship, otherwise known as "cancel culture". The two men also discuss how college enrolments are now dominated by women and how this creates the problem of more men finding they are not desirable to the opposite sex.

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Toki 3 years ago

Two NEETS shaming young men to go to work and do the real labor while these two internet welfare sponges benefit.

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Toki 3 years ago

Says the con man who has a thot for a daughter. So if you donate money to this weak excuse of a business suit simp he will give your money to his NEET daughter to buy more makeup.

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GhostPlodderES 3 years ago

Who cares. Let those bitched bloodlines die off, good riddance to bad rubbish. Let them marry each other and take turns being the man. The 98% of men they don't want will be grateful for the peace.

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joolco22 3 years ago

So is it any wonder that men are leaving dating, getting into relationships and marriage with the "modern woman" . With more and more women getting the "Education" in feminism and universities turning men away of all races. These women riding the CC because they are so "enlightened", are fed a constant line of BS that they can have their cake and eat it too.
With the lack of higher education, its forcing them to ether live a life in poorer working conditions, fighting for fewer and fewer manufacturing jobs, thanks to excessive government taxation and regulation forcing companies to 2nd and 3rd world nations. Thus leaving men to work in the trade sectors but we only need so many carpenters, electricians, plumbers and mechanics.
This doesn't bode well for mankind, push single men into a place where violence is their only means to make a living, leaving gang membership or war, the military as a career.

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Grin_Reaper 3 years ago

Well said. There is no will to change the current trajectory so the best hope for men is to prepare for the imminent collapse, which obviously includes not wasting money on women.

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I have yet to meet some woman who a) isn't in on all this shit and b) isn't a retarded cunt.

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