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Published on 24 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣⁣Based upon the "Lock Step Unified Agendas" of the global governments, the global media, the international banking etc., I am inclined to believe most of the issues presented to us by these people. They tell us that it's all run by the jews - which are an EVIL CULT, that is ONLY 3100 years old.

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Based upon the "Lock Step Unified Agendas" of the global governments, the global media, the international banking etc., I am inclined to believe most of the issues presented to us by these people. They tell us that it's all run by the jews - which are an EVIL CULT, that is ONLY 3100 years old.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Good interview. I couldn't put my finger on it, but these seem like the same group of "religiously deceptive" people who had the Messiah killed, so they could keep their "money train" (remember the money changers and merchants, whose tables and markets were overturned/disrupted by HIM in the temple grounds) running long after HIS death. JMO.

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Jesus the mythical jewish zombie in low earth orbit talking to us by telepathy - and his non existant dad was invented only 1100 years before that.... Ask him how he achieved the trip to outer space by ascending up into the sky, past the clouds, until he disappeared out of sight - 2000 years before space rated rockets were built....

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And you only have to ask him to put his answer in the forum reply - in his name, and it will be done for you....

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