Judge Humbles Woman Who Divorced A Millionaire!
Published on 21 Aug 2024 / In
Original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STypCNjotUw
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Just because a business owner has a business that makes millions of dollars a year doesn't mean the owner MAKES millions per year, many business owners pay themselves a modest salary, and sometimes go periods without even getting paid. Women are fucking stupid, but I'm supposes to believe that they deserve a voice in the decision-making process of a nation.
Ladies, go fuck yourselves. You're idiots.
She is a cunt.
This clip has been around for a while. When I was arse raped in the Federal Circuit Court in Melbourne, the judge there was a man hating feminist by the name of Heather Riley. They took everything that they possibly could off me. I had to start again at near 50 years of age. Now I have my own business and have used the same system that they used to destroy me to get ahead and she's pissed off. Can't go into detail here, but it can be done. Love your work, Taylor and have been following for many years.