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Judge Humbles Woman Who Divorced A Millionaire

Published on 16 Aug 2024 / In Entertainment
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That BITCH is just going for EVERYTHING she can get.....


She is a free loading, money grubbing, cunt....

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GenerationLESS 7 months ago

LLC's are a very good way to cover your ass. Especially if you're a minority owner. The LLC decides not to distribute profit as dividends, just reinvest them, no income is recorded. The rest of the owners have to decide to pay out in a lawsuit against one...good luck. Any lawyer worth their salt knows as soon as they see an LLC not to bother. The female lawyer failed.

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sauger1001 7 months ago

Women lusting for 'Child Support': "But, that's just too much work! I need... er I mean my children need more money! You misogynist! Who hurt you?!? REEEEEE!" LMAO! Back in the day, when my parents got divorced (my mother filed, of course), my father would always ask us if we needed anything, and would help financially or otherwise. He never stopped teaching us about life, much to my mother's chagrin. Lol!

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GenerationLESS 7 months ago

@sauger1001: The greatest thing about an LLC is that if someone successfully sues and wins it, the board members (majority and minority) vote to reinvest all profits instead of distributing them out. BUTT (Popp) the person who sued, now owning but not on the board, has to pay income tax on those profits even though they don't see a dime of it in cash. That is why I said any lawyer that's worth their salt that sees an LLC says for get it.

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GenerationLESS 7 months ago

It's the ultimate FUCK YOU!

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