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Jurassic World - Stupid scene

Published on 19 Dec 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣Scene from the movie Jurassic World (2015). Claire character runs away from a T-Rex wearing high heels.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

Did you know she would have left the movie if she didnt have them on. It was in her contract. Shes a propper bitch. Shame i thought she looked good in black mirror and now shes peeled back the cute look to show a sceptic cunt. I mean letting your ego get int he way of a movie and using contract and star power to get what you want? It would have been more satisfying with her getting eaten and someone saying... i told her about them shoes but she never listened. You sleep in the bed you make.

NONONO she fails upwards and now shes directing for disney pedo pieces of shit

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