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Just a Few Topics

Published on 24 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 months ago

Is there even a single British car brand still in the hands of the British? Even Lotus, MG and Triumph are owned by the Chinese

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

don't think so

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mrghoster 2 months ago

The only way they have little to no power over us is for people to think befoire that jump into all the BULLSHIT. Don't be stupid enough to fall for the BULLSHIT, yes I know the game doesn't allow total non involvement that's a fact of life, but YOU or WE can limit our connections and kind of thrive. I mean I gave up on femon's 30+ years ago, they don't feature in my life, yet life is pretty damned good alround by embracing that freedon from the drams, This can be applied to other things, like not buying all that corporate CRAP like the new phone with a new pretty colored button and queuing in the rain all night for it! lol!, don't by all the SHITE they lie to you about, the perfect example currently is the EV I would say? The same can be applied to government. Why do you think they go on a bout the NHS being safe? Because the NHS is a gateway to big Pharma's access and profit's that's the only reason for saving the NHS, it has FUCK ALL to do with our health anymore, we are just used and put in danger for profit for Big Pharma. Money talks, Humans are NOT to be listened to.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

The younger people buy the same phone year after year just a different color. Most older people are put on tablets for the rest of their life which put money in the pharmacy's

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mrghoster 2 months ago

The English have very long memories and eventually when our Stoicism wares to thin, we have a reputation for REVENGE as well,m and it will be served very COLD and harsh, it always happens that way and Queer Starmer will go the same way as many before. talking of "jaGuar" I see at last old "Two Jag's" is dead, or should that be old "Two JABs" after that fight he publicly had! lol! However you look at everything that is going on be it a corrupt government or WOKE corporations going bust by taking on loony left ideals instead of just making shit, It will change and the journey as I watch it from a far is going to be fun. I'm old I don't give a shit about government, business, femons and FEMON-ism, non of it, let them drop a nuke or two and see if I give a shit, that would fuck up the WEF's plan's wouldn't it! lol1 I'm now biding my time and holding out for a touch of "Reincarnation" maybe or another life in a parallel dimension! lol! FUCK that is fast becoming more believable that the BULLSHIT we are having to experience right now! i haven't saved for a funeral plan or anything, nope I'm having a "STATE FUNERAL" better known as a porper's disposal, I don't give a shit anyway! lol! Not making a WILL well not a conventional one. My daughter I gave nothing but unconditional love to when she was little I have not heard from for decades now, so she's not having my shit, I'm gonna right a sort of will that will demand that everything I own is "DETROYED", any CUNT trying to sell on or profit from my passing WILL be cursed, well all the items will anyway! Nope despite my efforts to play my part in this life I've just been continuously SHIT on from above, so no record of my existance will exist when I pass on. I'm actually looking forward to it in a funny sort of way? I think it will be like getting rid of that unreachable itch you never really got to scratch properly! lol1 Well I'm off to drink a glass of bleach and cut my throat! lol! Yeh! like I would, thesae FUCKER's wont grind me down EVER. What's that song say? "I get knocked down, but I get up again. you ain't ever gonna keep ME down"! lol! They wont get rid of me that easy!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Fight to the ens buddy. I her Trump one of his first things he's going to do is remove 15,000 transgenders from the army....you got to like this guy

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mrghoster 2 months ago

A once Great Mark has gone Woke and WILL go broke. They have now gone to far and the BIG CAT brand has turned into a bunch of WOKE "PUSSIES", they are finished I'm thinking. what right minded person is going to align themselves with a FAGGOT LGBTXYZ Blah blah blah leftist connection. the new logo is total shit as well looks like a 5 year old designed it with lower case and the G in upper case. Nope they are DEAD, the NINE LIVES of this PUSSY are all used up! lol! but isn't that vintage E Type beautiful and RED my favorite color, but I guess every "HUMAN BVEING" connected with it's design is now DEAD anyway, unlike todays Jaguar or should that be "jaGuar" employees who will die of shame or should do. Even the spell check doesn't recognise there new brand name and underlines it as incorrect! lol! what was once 2PURR-fect" is now consigned to the kitty litter tray! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Its a shame, Cars use to be masculine but now they have been feminized and destroyed

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I think there are elements of the dutch and british empires working in the US empire today.. Trying to control and take over the world.. I accomplished something big today and feel like a couple myself.. will be heading out in a few actually.. Will take my T-ball bat.. removed my powpows from my car for awhile after the crap last night.. Hispanics all uppity and store workers are social justice warriors because of many hispanic co-workers.. It has become a hostile environment for locals.. I know how to stay out of trouble.. even when I am in the middle of it.. . The cuban female store manager was trying to start a fight between me and 2 cubans.. I was talking to her not them.. One of them bumped into me.. oh, this is the way it is.. They block the aisle completely. I say move ass hole and then get all kinds of backlash. .lol. then go back twice a day. .

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

geezus christ the foreigners are a very hostile element in our country.. I say open season on them.. This brother and sister white kids early 20's the boy is a homosexual looking for an older man with money while his sister clings all over young mexican males.. ok.. that's ok??? DO THE HISPANIC males look for a man with meansd? while their mexican sisters cling to white males?? nope.. thse freaks of nature are cuckolded..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

Biden say, Bend over and give your country away to foreigners..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

So the manager comes up and wants to talk about what happened last night.. This morning I contacted their headquarters in Florida and mentioned about the hostile environment towards locals between the immigrants and the social justice warriors.. Then he said I almost hit the guy with my car when he came outside. .which is wrong I just pulled up to say hi and chat.. he said they had it all on camera.. . and like always.. no arrest was made. .lol. no cops called.. I am the one going through stress dealing with these ass holes.. vThe managers clearly not on the white customers side.. I think he heard from home office .. lol..

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