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Published on 28 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation

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sbseed 12 months ago

way to tell me you are all traitors without tell me you are traitors to the constitution of the USA!!!!

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sbseed 12 months ago

false, the highest court in the land is the first god and then the constitution... those are the highest forms of law, 'federal law' has nothing to do with it.

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sauger1001 12 months ago

The Feds (as usual) are lying. They're waiting for everyone to "calm down", before they strike. Civil War is imminent. This dumb b!tch (though kinda' cute) sounds clueless as usual. She needs to just be poked by Tyrone, instead of her carpet (from my past experiences, most black chicks don't shave; Lol!) munched.

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The feds deserve to be executed as traitors to the nation......
Gun the cunts down in the streets - and put Bidens head on a stake.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

I kind of know what's happening there.
How are people, you, reacting to what's being done to your country?

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KEEPER 12 months ago

the same way i am, they know it's an invasion that our president is causing, the speaker at the white house is a very good conversationalist if your not paying attention, basically he lies to your face as he thinks your stupid that you will fall for his lies. but as you can see most people are against this, funny enough it's starting to piss off their own base democrats which were the main cause and force for mass illegal's immigration, what the governor of Texas are doing is the right and it's what every border state should be doing 100% no if's and's or butts about it. and the federal government are trying to allow as much illegal access to this country as possible, i see civil war coming from this if Biden doesn't back down any time soon, and i honestly don't think he will, he's trying to get away with as much as he can while he still has the power to do it, which will ultimately lead to his ending, but i suppose that doesn't matter he's already at deaths door anyway, but if he's successful, America as a country may not be here for much longer, that's my opinion and i'm sticking to it.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@KEEPER: Biden is not the one pulling the strings, as over here the ones in government are not the ones deciding what to do. You over there have all the shit from central and shittern American, we over here have Brazilian, Venezuelans, as you have, plus curry motherfuckers and sand niggas. Not to mention African niggas that have been arriving for decades. There are places you won't see a national, old historical neighbourhoods completely invaded by goat fuckers. Know what my people is doing? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. Move to the side and die. Some even defend them.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@The Man Inside: your right, he's more of a sitting president, but he does believe in this cause and has for some time long before he became president. but your right, it's mostly who's pulling his strings and who's running his administration who are mostly running the show in the background.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

i mean only a decade ago billionaire George Soros stated he dismantles countries for the fun of it, and you have to believe there are more people than just him doing things behind the scenes, hell if i remember correctly he was the cause for Venezuela's country going to shit, but it's also the stupid people who always vote for these kinds of policies and many of those people are stupid.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@KEEPER: Do you really believe elections make any difference?

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KEEPER 12 months ago

or better said, useful idiots.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@KEEPER: they are the majority, they move as a flock of birds, we are fucked.

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sauger1001 12 months ago

@The Man Inside: Agreed. No doubt, most of those nigga's supporters are waah☻️men. Many of whom are also getting raped by these same niggas they support. Still trying to make that make sense. Isn't it the Swiss or the Swedish government (Still have difficulty remembering which one) that are led by waah☻️men, but are now wining (or whining) about the increase in rapes in their country? SMH.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@The Man Inside: not anymore. the powers that be run way to many institutions where they can simply select a president, no need for voting, however in the way they did it the last time which required physical effort within the physical buildings, suggests that they didn't do it by simply selecting their party, they had to make use of a plandemic to get their way to keep everyone's guard down during that time, something that will not be used again in the future. we know they cheated and we know they also destroyed evidence but we also know to not allow the voting machines nonsense like they have been trying to enforce more and more, if anything some of their own ideas make them weak with their own ideas, doing everything digital is far easier to change the results due to a hack, and technology is rather open to attacks of any kind over physical paper trail.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@sauger1001: Sweeden. You would be amazed how many men over here stand by this invasion. Women are just stupid. There a political party here nailing the gypsies constantly, something you in the US don't know what is, that's nothing more than a smoke screen, I can see through their shit, most people can't, and I'm hearing more and more people talking about voting for them. It makes np difference. People need to FUCKING STOP handing their guns to the police and start using them to clean our house. Obviously no one wants to be the first to fire the first shot.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@The Man Inside: that's true, however that demographic is changing significantly as the same useful idiots who voted for all of this nonsense are finally starting to see the greater picture and are starting to not buy the bullshit anymore because they have been allowed to see what happens where they live due to these actions, they are only useful idiots so long as they don't feel the pain, but once they feel the pain they change their opinions soon after because they want it to end. the majority if they wise up on the issue will turn against their slave masters when they feel enough pain.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@KEEPER: not so sure anyone will rebel. Remember what the Bolshevik Jews did? Look at China. North Korea...

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@The Man Inside: yeah we also had a president who was murdered for many of the same things, he was trying to help America and he was assassinated for it on live television. that was Kennedy.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@KEEPER: Yes, we also had a prime minister who was murdered. But I was talking about the man who was deciding the course this city would take. A small local politician, and yet he didn't escape.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@KEEPER: "They" did it right, because unlike Kennedy, these two, almost everyone believes they died in accidents...

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@The Man Inside: which is why war or civil war is apart of their plans. i may not sound very optimistic and depending on your belief system, but the bible has talked about this conflict since it's inception, this is all according to plan, and it's weird because i believe in this but i'm also not sure about the whole god thing, i pay attention to the signs and i also pay attention to the Elite's plans in the same breath, i know they want to reduce the worlds population to under 500 million world wide, we just didn't have the full picture until now as it's becoming full circle, the thing is, i don't think their plans will be fully envisioned, it will likely lead to killing everyone involved, and then the savior story. laugh at me if you must on this but none of this is by accident it's all been apart of the plan, i just don't think that plan will really end well even for those who believe they will be on top.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 12 months ago

@KEEPER: We are on the same page, not the same paragraph though. There's no "saviour", "they" are clearly in a rush to get it done, whatever their plan is. There must be a good reason for it, that we don't know. "They" still hate Rome, and everything will do to destroy it. That's where they live. Not in the present. Rome is the US and European nations.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

@The Man Inside: the good reason is more than likely control.

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KEEPER 12 months ago

i just don't think it's going to end the way they think it will.

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