Just Say No to Joint Bank Accounts | Grunt Speak Live
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Published on 01 Mar 2023 / In
Keep your money. Keep your power. Keep your drinks cold.
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Last almost marriage went to this ended up in court she was on my best buy cc around 7k before i got the bloody bill court she only had to pay 500. As men become older we become less trusting of the female species. Take it from me I grew up with 3 women and i had seen all the bloody games i did not date till age 25 after college because i could see through the bs and did not want a child or marriage at a young age I was not mature. Today I am studying law.
Our friend with the Latina wife found out how fucked up the laws in this country are. If a few people tell the right lies, that's what they can do to you. Lies are scarier than violence here, and almost impossible to punish. And everyone is a liar, and everyone has designs on one another like this, at least in my neck of the woods.
A lock that can be opened by multiple keys, who would ever want such a thing?
Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo-stick!! Why do millennials got to be such antichrists!?
When A.I. art gets good enough to render "3D" images indistinguishable from reality, and in some cases even better than what the human eye can perceive, you gentleman, including every politician, v-tuber, you name it... There will be porn... OH SO MUCH PORN; though, I am not looking forward to seeing the Poppster getting railed by good 'ol Capt. Blake.