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Kamala finally spotted and she’s drunk as a skunk - California so deservers her communist ass

Published on 18 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation

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I once had a Science Fiction Book, called "The Year of the Quiet Sun" - By Wilson Tucker.

And on page 5 he wrote this:

"The kind of prophet these people want is a windbag and a liar,
Prophesying a future of wine and spirits.

- The Book of Micah

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Fuck I am sorry I posted this....

Fucking drunken idiot woman.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

I drink. Sometimes to excess, even.

But I'm not an elected representative, AND I STAY THE FUCK HOME.

...and then we have the gaggle of halfwit onlookers "mmm-hmmm-ing" and applauding as if she said something uniquely profound and life-changing.

I know it's called Men Going Their OWN Way and, as such, we've each chosen our respective life paths but, if I had the resources, I'd build an offshore plant like just the one in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. I promise I'd not bother any of you fellas unless you needed a hand, an ear to listen, or a bit of advice. We could even call it MSF, just like in the game, except instead of Militaries Sans Frontiers, we'd be MGTOW Sans Frontiers. I'm sure it'd be a sight better than the cesspool that the West has become, and at least we'd be around like-minded men. A pipe dream, I know.

...but a guy can dream. Sorry to dork-out on you guys, but as I completed evermore missions in the game, I really started to resonate with the games theme of independence, camaraderie, and answering to no one.

* sigh... * ...just launch the nukes already and get this shit over with.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

...although I suppose one could construe Snake as simping for Paz, seeing as how he undertook the mission on her behalf, lol. Hey, MSF is a mercenary group, so I'll give Kojima-san a pass on that note, lol.

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@ArgonRaysabre: She's crashed and burned and trashed her marriage and - and - and - and..... And ONLY the space cadets who share a brain cell, think she is awesome. Most people think she is full of shit and a total idiot.

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