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Kangaroo jumps into car windscreen - Litchfield national park

Published on 25 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation


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"Yer paranoid old cunt" - yeah right.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Why did the kangaroo cross the road?
A car was coming.
Attenborough would've made this incident "come alive", keeping me riveted to the screen, until the very end. Even while people are hauling away the remains of the kangaroo (and a lorrie taking away the car), Attenborough would be there, giving both perspectives of this incident.

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I guess the point of posting the video is how kangaroos are just plain fucking stupid and they run directly into the paths of vehicles..... and while in the middle of the day their movements are far and few between, they still happen, and it's later in the afternoon / dusk / early night, that they tend to get up and get going in large numbers, and to show, that depending on how much growth there is ont he side of the road / forrest / wild shrubbery (concealing undergrowth) how, often they cannot be seen until they appear mid air in front of the car at widn screen height, and or coming through the front of the car into the engine bay.... and why I am a wholesomely careful driver, who goes along the roads at night doing 50 or 60 Kmh, in a 100 Kmh zone... Go to about 2 hours and 10 minutes on this.

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I'd also be going at about 70 Kmh on this road with the scrub - being as dense as it is, and getting up very close to the road.... Not like here. Because the kangaroos might be under the trees on the side of the road.... I'd still not fly down that road like they were not there... Maybe 80 K's an hour....

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AND where safe to do so, almost always in the middle of nowhere with no traffic - I drive slowly in the centre of the road... Not pressed up near the edge....

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It gives you a LOT more room to see what is incoming from the sides.... and a lot more space to brake and manouvre.

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