Karen Goes Ballistic as Her New Fridge Won’t Fit
Published on 20 Dec 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Interesting question "How did the original fridge get in there?" Possible answer the hole around the fridge is larger than the fridge itself. If so she should have measured the original fridge for its dimensions and not the space for the fridge, i.e. the fridge itself was much smaller than the hole it fit into", just saying.
Toxic Femininity at its best; PMSing in public should be illegal.
I have 2 fridges. .. one in house, one in work shop,, and a cooler in my car in the back seat.. I drink impprted beer.. from Rome.. So I picked up (3) 12 packs to stock up for the holidays.. 18 dollars each , 6 packs are 12.50.. so I saved some money. .cleaned them out.. I don't know what to think about American beer now. . with all the faggit stuff the corporates are pushing.. and then faggit foreigners at woirk from hispanola.. time to deport their mtr fkn asses.. I want my country back.. I don't even klnow who owns anheuser busch anymore.. I don't think they are American tho.. so fcukit..
Step 1: broad with phd needs fridge so being the sooper brain she thinks she is, she looks up a few things on the interwebs (same place where she got the information plagiarized for her phd).
Step 2: soooper brain sees you have to make sure it will fit in the space of your old fridge.
Step 3: soooper brain femon measures and is delighted to see the fridge she wants (that is better than all her friends' and will make them all jealous) will fit. Does no further research.
Step 4: soooper femon had to get a loan for fridge and is pleased to find out delivery is free. (she's so proud of her sooper smarts at this point).
Step 5: fridge arrives and won't fit through sooper femon's front door.
Step 6: sooper femon is sooper smart so delivery men are obviously misogynists.
Step 7: Meltdown.
Step 8: Jail.