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Karen With A Hammer Gets Into Fender Bender Bonus

Published on 07 Jan 2022 / In Film & Animation

More insane KAREN'S one with a Hammer?

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You know the women who stick tampons in their cunts, and then forget all about it - then a week later the festering fanny plug turns into blood poisoning - and they start to go belly up, really quickly. They call it toxic shock syndrome.

Watching a few too many psycho-nuts from the 5th dimension, it just gets really hard to watch.

These women are toxic to the mind, toxic to the spirit and toxic to life.

I had to switch off after 30 seconds.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Yep Mate I'm starting to do the switcyh off thing. Once you've seen one crazy CUNT you've kind of see then all. But

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mrghoster 3 years ago

I'm kind of moving away from the Crazies and spending more time developing my MGTOW side and finding stuff beneficial to MEN to post. But the ODD and I mean ODD fefail laugh is once in a while needed! lol! The Modern women is a Dinosaur in today's world when you think of it? they spend money they don't have like water in a global financial meltdown, they deride and slate MEN the only real ally the did ever have in some form as well, they have pushed MAN so far from them now there is a massive disconnect. MEN are getting on with shit like MEN have always done, but fewer and fewer are going to be derided by women. The women is a dinosaur as well because it continues to display all the noe "Defunked" traits that mo longer work on MEN and the women either? they've made their lumpy crumpled bed so now they can lay in it and ROT - ALONE!

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sorearm 3 years ago

That bitch with the hammer should have just been put down

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