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Karl Pilkington meets David Icke.

Published on 23 May 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism

A talk about intelligence and perception

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KEEPER 5 years ago

the thing is there are a lot of Karl Pilkington's out there.
in fact in some ways i'm kind of like Karl Pilkington.

one of my family members sends me videos of this guy because they view some of the things i talk about as similar to how he thinks.

but the problem is i have a hard time thinking through all aspects of thought in real time, in person to person interactions.

i do my best thinking when i have more time to think and write it out, as apposed to saying it out loud in real time. which means i process information slower than the average person but this causes me to overcompensate my knowledge on the topic's and i can often make mistakes in what i'm talking about making it hard to understand from the other persons perspective which will cause the other person to judge to quickly and make fun of me.

but at the same time their prospective is also flawed because they assume my answer is not intelligent, because their perception is also based off of the time it takes to respond to said question, which is another reason why debates are stupid nowadays.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

are you me? lol. im meeting a lot of people who think like me recently. The last few days. I have had the same issue, my bex actually showed me karl because she thought i thought like him. Have you been made aware of the mayers and briggs personalit tetsts? you maybe a mediator like me. We dont get on with alot of people because we are m,is understood yet we are the typeof people that want the best in vereything

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: I've never heard of it. But I just did a quick search on it. I usually avoid tests like these because they are often inaccurate on a few details. I'm no homer Simpson but I did grow up with learning disabilities. I also learned to pick up on some social ques to better understand how to talk to ppl in a fake it till I make it kind of interaction. Do I still sound like you?

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: learning disabilities to means, school didn't offer your best l learning style. sorta. If i wasn't passionate about something yes. it was like i had a learning disability. however if i was interested it was like i went overkill on it.So this obviously constantly made me contradict school so they wanted to call me stupid but other teacher knew how clever i could be... depending on the subject. School doesnt judge intelligence, it tells you where on the slave hierarchy you can reach depending on how much linear left brained thinking you can do . I cannot really tell because school isnt a good way to see someones true personality. its just a social conditioning farm IMO

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