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Kathleen Kennedy Responds To Anti-Male Sexism Lawsuit & It Backfires

Published on 02 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Disney Star Wars has been slammed all over the internet by Star Wars fans for the last few years, but now things have gotten serious for Disney as Elon Musk has backed two lawsuits against the company. One being a civil rights complaint against Disney for discriminating against men. Now Kathleen Kennedy and Daisy Ridley have finally responded to the online backlash and lawsuits, but it seems their responses have made things even worse for Star Wars and even more fans are angry with both Disney and Lucasfilm.

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KEEPER 3 hours ago

i expect more lawsuits for all kinds of companies that have been doing this diversity affirmative action hiring practice.
why it took this long for ppl to take notice of this? is beyond me, i mean mgtow knew about this for over the last decade straight, but why it took everyone else this long to see it idk.

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Kathleen Kennedy looks like a trans man.....

Just saying.

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In this video, Daisy Ridley shows herself up as the genuinely stupid feminist arsehole that she is.

Women - NASA - Daisy Ridley is a Feminist Retard


As a character in a movie, she has a nice cunt though.

My write up and links on it.


IN the video I made of Rae Skywalker (the character) - in discovering about 1.5 seconds of wet fabric clinging around her cunt, and seeing the outline of it through the fabric, it reduced her from being a titless and cuntless 10 foot tall Amazonian Jedi Warrior, into being "The little woman" - which she is. Height 1.7 meters (5ft, 7 in).

Having a cunt, made her into a human, one of my own species and more of a REAL person....

A real WOMAN...... And it was only then that I thought about her as being attractive AND fuckable.

She is still a feminist propaganda pushing bitch at best - but when she was biologically at the best of her fertility window she was quite a treat...

I never looked upon her like that, until she became a REAL woman.

But you can see what an absolute retarded feminist bitch she is - in this NASA gets one up for a woman bullshit. "Oh women, empowerment, you go girl" crap.....

"Lets all hand out participation tropheys to the intellectually handicapped. Yay!"

A lot of women are ALL tarred with the same brush - the feminist indoctrination speak.....

Back in the day when space launches were a new thing, they were all megastars... but now, even the most impressive launches are like 10 seconds on the Tube and they are so common, space launches come and go like the local bus....

And the launch director - it's a woman... well so fucking what?

You need smarts and skills and you have to be organised, if your UP TO THE JOB and have the expereince - great... and I am not denouncing that she hasn't worked hard for this....

AND a bit of decent PR overall is a good thing...

But the fact that she is a WOMAN - is the only basis for this interview?

I have no idea, how many launches there are every year, but there must be a LOT of flight directors for an awful lot of space launches, and none of them get shoved into the lime light.

I have no personal axe to grind with the flight director, but Feminist Propaganda Pushing Ridley - SOME girls (almost none) want to get into heavy duty STEM subjects, and most of them want to avoid it like the plauge...

AND many women who do get into these subjects and fields, usually drop out because it is very hard, and you have to be very smart, and women are typically not as capable as men are, in these areas...

The other reason why women drop out is because they catch on that they are getting OLD, running out of time and if they keep on with their careers, they won't be ever able to have children....

So while idiot Ridley pushes the Feminist Propaganda - she has failed to connect with the fact that despite the propaganda, most women don't want to get into science and technlogy - as subjects or careers.

And as so many tens of thousands of men have noted, "The women almost always bail out at the earliest opportunity".

I also think that with Ridley having endometriosis and polycystic ovaries, which probably means that she cannot and never will have children (she's 30-ish now), also means that championing the brainwashing of feminism, gives her otherwise worthless feminist life something worthwhile to do.

Rae "The Feminist" Skywalker - Has actually got a cunt.

Here's where Rae "the feminist" Skywalkers cunt starred in the Rise of Skywalker

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There is an excellent Fan Edit of the Last Starwars Movie around = Fantastic.

There is a fan edit that is I think my be a sneaky studio release of how the movie should have been finished as.... and it's really good. https://www.bitchute.com/video/jPCX685suN1D/

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