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Keeping Your Distance - Quite a Lot Morer - - Tech Specs in the Pinned Comment.

Published on 07 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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There are a lot of lessons in this......

All the people on the OTHER side of the burning LPG tanker, are almost parallel to it....

AND there is a phenomon called "Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion" or BLEVE for short....

Best to study the subject..... And you can see it in the bursting tank - the rapidly expanding cloud of LPG to vapour and the fire flashing across the cloud and burning inwards...

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Councilof1 3 months ago

It's like most people have had their survival instincts surgically removed.

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Experience makes for wisdom..... Observations from one distance, keep you from being scortched by the fire ball, AND the radiant heat. Observations from a much much greater distance, keep you from being smashed by the flying parts of the tank.. Poetry for the unenlightened, "Up and Up it Goes, On Whom it Lands, No Body Knows".

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So you didn't like my poem. I wrote that just for you - you know.

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Councilof1 3 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I just saw it and it was a decent poem.

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@Councilof1: I did an article on home style compressed air tanks exploding... huge chunks of flattish sheet steel ( ???? ) just shredding anything they hit.

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@Councilof1: AND that HUGE tanker truck - exploding... I dunno - there is the view close up that is more interesting.... but a few K's away is a lot safer.

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@Councilof1: When a homeowner won an auction to buy an air tank, he thought he had found a great bargain. The buyer brought home his new treasure, put it in his garage and plugged it in. When the pressure in the tank reached about 100 psi, the tank ruptured and flew across the garage. (See photos below) Luckily, nobody was injured. So, what happened to the air tank? Unbeknownst to the buyer, it had several problems: The tank was not built to ASME code and not registered with the National Board. The drain valve on the tank was removed, probably because it was leaking, and replaced with a plug. The accumulation of water in the vessel caused severe corrosion and thinning of the metal on the bottom of the tank. Ultrasonic thickness testing revealed the air tank had a thickness of .070 inches. At this thickness the tank should never have been allowed to be pressurized. The safety valve was set at 140 psi and the pressure controls were assumed to be working properly.

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@Councilof1: Here is one of the greatest performances ever.... Poetry. The Scarlet Pimpernel

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