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Ken Del Lie (Another fake mgtow in the woods)

Published on 12 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

Ken Del lie fake Rican is an American Hispanic male. He loves bringing up race and using slur words. He hopes for a race war and to create more fatherless mixed children. He claims I have children, but I'm childless. I will someday and they will be raised Mgtow and Red pilled. Hammer Hand comforted Ken Del saying they are watching me and MD.
They want us off youtube and mgtow tv ....anti freedom of speech smh...
They all love to pass around my year old sexy fat girl pic LOL
Penny mgtow is currently a size 8 and working on fighting for men's rights.

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phantomrunner 4 years ago

you black bitch!! mgtow tv is no place for a bitch!!

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themgtowartist 4 years ago

ken delrican is the real deal you stupid bitch get the fuck off this platform we will make sure you get banned

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