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Kendra G Is Shocked By Pretty Woman's Standards

Published on 31 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation
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ArgonRaysabre 29 days ago

Sensei, I love your content, but take it easy reviewing these vapid bimbos... can't be good for your mental health.

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Jaygo 30 days ago

Dude.. There is no such thing as a "pretty" woman who has on a face full of make up. In fact. The fact that she has a face full of make up is proof that she isn't pretty. Or at the least has insecurity issues and doesn't see herself as pretty without it. Now that we've woken up from the Feminist Indoctrination. we must examine everything we've been taught. Including the illogical things we've been taught to say and believe, especially about women. We've been indoctrinated and feminized to actually think and speak like women. By ignoring the fact that words have meaning and saying contradictory things and engaging in cognitive dissonance.

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ArgonRaysabre 29 days ago

Exactly. It's like Superman. He doesn't wear a bulletproof vest...because HE'S ALREADY BULLETPROOF. Ergo, as you succinctly stated stated, these women aren't beautiful with all the clown paint on their face..

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Jaygo 20 days ago

@ArgonRaysabre: Yea.. it's like a man wearing a muscle body suit under his clothes, and he talking about how strong and built he is. And everyone else going along with it, completely ignoring the fact that this dude have on a muscle body suit. Which i'm 100% certain, no one would allow a man to get away with such clear and blatant lies and deception.

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