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Kenny Rogers & The First Edition - Ruby, dont take your love to town

Published on 16 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

Another Classic. We know the story if you know the song by the late great Kenny rogers? A MAN get's paralized in Vietnam expects to come home to the women he loves but she is far from being their for him. I always wonder if he could reaxch that GUN would he have finished her off. Enjoy even though the story is the same ol' as alway's she takes what she wants then at a time of need for the MAN she run's off to another. Bitch! that's why today you should have no care of duty to your country because it will destroy your life. I'm ofd a Generation that thankfully never went to war in the traditional way as cannon fodder for women to have it all. BUT! I think we are in WW£ and that WAR is psychological. a MAN with his wit's about him wont be a victim of that war, their may be a little colqateral damage to endure? but this is the age and WAR of the SElf, thank God for red Pill thinking and MGTOW, that's all I can say. The rest weill fall by the wayside byt we will survive only without the fefail interuption though. Peace Gent's.

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Calling All Stations

When I was a kid I just thought this was a catchy song on my dad's Kenny Rogers greatest hits tape. Now it makes my blood boil.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

Put up some Antonio Carlos Jobim, "Antonio Btasileiro" is a great album

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