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KERI GYAKU NAGE - Muto Dori defense against stick attack.

Published on 20 May 2021 / In Sports

⁣Another old video with an old Koryu technique. Originally against a sword, it is an option for a stick or baseball attack (even a skateboard or "protest sign").

THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY! I do not condone or encourage anything immoral, unethical or illegal!

Defense is against an overhead attack or baseball bat swing where your opponent is aiming for a "home run" with your head.

Scenario: you've squared off - maybe they are taunting you. You may or may not have something in your hand. Anticipating a baseball bat type swing, you instigate movement with a left hand feint.

As the "wind up" turns into a committed swing, jump forward, slip your head out of the way and smash into opponents rear knee cap just as they think they are smashing you in the head. If your aim is good, this pretty much ends the situation.

As you look around for other protes...err...attackers, sweep available legs. Citizen's arrest and detention follows...

Several versions are shown with various "timings". The most important part here is the "not getting hit" part.

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