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Kick Bans Streamer For Anti-White Racism

Published on 22 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

The hispanic people are arabic , not white,, and may have white mixed in , to a varying degree.. I don't consider hispanics to be white.. In fact I would like to see these foreign hispanics all deported.. Black Americans are more American than any hispanics will ever be.. America was founded by White Protestants and black subservient workers who did not have much choice about it.. As we became more automated in our manufacture it was bought up and offshored for higher profits.. The arabics seem to be part of the wallstreet globalism ripoff of America.. We let italians in.. probly a big mistake.. now we let the beners in.. definitely a big mistake.. but lazy rich people want the higher profits , America is ruined.. The blacks and whites should join forces against these arabic asshats.. catholics.. Reign in international trade being used for colonial imperialism.. The spanish were our enemies.. The spanish in south America are the colonial imperial invaders.. TGhe indigenous are the indigenous.. In north America the whites interbred with the indigenous indians.. so did the spanish in south America.. FUENTES! is not a white name.. and if you change your name white people will still suspect you are not quite white.. lol. if you are not.. The blacks are more tolerable than the arabic arrogant big mouths who think they can do anything.. as they ripoff everything the white people created..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

American manufacture developed by white America was stolen by wallstreet taken to asia.. so the asians have the technologies now.. The arab / white mix is a bad mix.. The arabs were the slavers.. They wanted to enslave asia.. and while they did .. and wallstreet benefitted ,, Asia also benefitted. while America declined.. WALLSTREET is America's enemy.. The catholic arabic white mixed northeast city wallstreet types, think they can force asia to do what "we" say.. while asia has the highest manudfacture development.. stolen from America , mostly by arabic trash , and used to benefit themselves as middlemen.. as they exploited the asians.. And as these colonials had divided Asia.. there will be a tendency for asia to be rejoined together as one.. as they have the power to free themselves from their imperial masters of the west. Asia needs resources ,, and will trade with the world.. much of the lands inhabited by the arabs.. arabic white mixed are underdeveloped.. as those people are lazy and arrogant.. expect other people to do their work. so it does not get done.. just some thoughts on reality..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

White people, freedom and ownership built developed the technologies in America.. and we do not benefit by having mouthy pushy do nothings breathing down our necks.. so America has taken a big hit having these catholics take over our money and banking and trade.. The white people will balk just like the asians do.. because it's not true freedom having financial oppressors who are ignorant telling us what to do..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 months ago

TIME FOR MASS DEPORTATIONS.. Things will get worse for the blacks as the arabs take more power for themselvesa.. after losing asia..

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