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Kier Starmers war on farmers

Published on 19 Nov 2024 / In People & Blogs


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GenerationLESS 3 months ago

You're wasting your money on premiums and minting charges. Buy the closest thing you can to melt price. No one will give a fuck about the art work on those pieces when you need to sell. For those in the U.S., junk silver coins, pre-1965, is your best bet to use for trading for goods. $1.00 face = .715 Troy ounces.

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True your not wrong no one cares about fancy artwork on coins I have some King Arthur silver myself because I wanted some silver for me and Since it's 2nd best King the best being King of Kings JESUS CHRIST however Minted Jesus Christ on Silver or Gold Coins maybe seen as Blasphemy or unsacrilegious so King Arthur is a close second great enough for me and would I use it to sell or barter with maybe I'd rather not I'd like to keep it for my own collection and pass it down to my children if ever the terminator waifus with artificial Wombs get here already otherwise it's stack as much as possible \G/

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Even though the silver says 10 pounds what would that be like in dollars and would you want to trade that for small necessary items like toilet paper tooth brushes and so on, what if you only spend 5 pounds or dollars do you get 5 small silver 1 pounds or dollars back as change or all sales are final and you got to.spemd

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GenerationLESS 3 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Metals are weighed in Troy ounces. (roughly 1.10 ounces) If you're into collectables, then I understand going for the fancy artwork. But if you're looking for tradable assets in SHTF tough times, no. Minting costs differ with the mints. Canadian Maple Leafs are a cheaper minting cost than American Eagles, etc.. There are private mints that are less than those, yet still a varifiable weight. Lower mint cost means more gold or silver you can buy. You have to decide what's best for you. The junk silver I talked about above is good for trading because of the smaller denominations of weight. If all you have is a 10oz silver bar, $320 at $32 a Troy ounce, and you want to buy a package of toilet paper off someone, how and who is going to make change? Think practical if you're collecting for survival.

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@GenerationLESS: Thanks for the solid advice brother yeah I just wanted to know, I am more into collecting silver to trade for food and survival so junk silver will be the main route to go also I am collecting silver in other things as well to barter with like silver bullets, silver spoons and so on that I have this is still pure silver and in weight just junk silver. Yeah I'm just gonna by stacking silver and gold where I can for canned food, tooth brushes and hygiene chemicals and medicine you never know when you might need those as well as Narcan gonna have to get a whole supply of those if in SHTF shituation and they have Fentanyl all in the atmosphere gotta be prepared for anything at this point and hope you got yourself prepared as best as possible and GOD BE WITH US ALL GOD BLESS BROTHER \G/

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GenerationLESS 3 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: An easy place to track spot price

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@GenerationLESS: just checked it out now, thank you bro for the hook up much appreciated and grateful GODBLESS \G/

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

better watch them immigrants.... It's class warfare..

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