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Kilonova Size Explosions Are Popping Off in Empty Space

Published on 27 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation


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These video series go from the "Size of the known and observed universe" - with the best of the technology we had from the 80's - the Hubble space Telescope.

The intial set is about the size of the observed or known universe.

The second set is the series on the issues of rocket engines, rockets and rocket development and production.

The third set is an of array of information about and from the Hubble Telescope - the technology and the images.

And the fourth set is about the ADVANCES in space telescopes beyond the Hubble Teescope - being the James Webb Sace Telescope.

And the fifth video is about the Euclid Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope and the Euclid Space Telescope are two different research tools - with very different purposes and technologies...

All though the Hubble was up and operational in the early 1980's - there was a prodigious amount of planning, design and then the building of it and then the optical correction of it, after launching...

The James Webb and the Euclid Space Telescopes have also had prodigious lead times in their planning, design, construction and development - but they had a big foundation to build upon - better questions to ask and better understandings and technology to do the further research with, and futher and deeper issues to research....

It's a bit like, "How deep is a very deep hole?" - that can only be solved by figuring out the acceleration rate of gravity and the speed of sound, and then dropping a rock down the hole... and timing the release time and the sound of the rock hitting bottom... Maths.. or using a very slong strong piece of string - but the materials and the weaving technologies have to be developed - so the string is both long enough and strong enough to each the bottom....

And the ladder to reach the bottom - you need the steel, the manufacturing technology and the ways to drill holes in the rocks and to bolt them to the rock, to attach the ladder to the rock, on the way down - and the technical development to do all of this and to construct it....

There is staggering amounts of smarts, research, development and insights, and everything has a foundation of everything before it.


These are really worth watching.

They are a bit out of date in some aspects... but they are completely relevant....

Very simple - but it gets the ideas in your head - that just cannot be dealt with....

There is too much.

Video 01 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Scale of earth and sun

Video 02 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Scale of solar system

Video 03 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Scale of distance to closest stars

Video 04 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Scale of the galaxy

Video 05 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Intergalactic scale

Video 06 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Hubble image of galaxies

Video 07 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Big bang introduction

Video 08 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Radius of observable universe


EQUINOX - The Engines That Came In From The Cold [FASCINATING DOCUMENTARY] (360p version)

This Rocket Is 60 Years Old

I Asked An Actual Apollo Engineer to Explain the Saturn 5 Rocket (Long Cut) - Smarter Every Day 2

HOW ROCKETS ARE MADE (Rocket Factory Tour - United Launch Alliance) - Smarter Every Day 231


NASA’s Incredible Discovery Machine: The Story of the Hubble Space Telescope

A documentary on the incredible discoveries made by the Hubble space telescope

Hubble’s 30th Anniversary Image

The Extraordinary Things Hubble Has Seen | 100 Incredible Images Of The Universe Montage (4K UHD)

Just happened! NASA just officially announced to boost Hubble's orbit with SpaceX's Dragon


Webb in Full Focus - Mirrors are Aligned!

Incredible Discoveries From Recent James Webb Space Telescope Images Of the Milky Way

What James Webb Saw Near the Edge of the Universe | James Webb Part 1


The NEW Euclid Space Telescope - Resolution 500 m at 10 billion light years.


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JPPW 12 months ago

Everyone knows these space explosions are class Fu - CK B1 DEN Super FARTS ... dem shitz fo real, mate.

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Have you seen these videos? (formatted list above)^^^^^^

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With all this stuff... It's all so incredible - and there is so much of it.... my brain no longer registers... so I just sit here and nod like an idiot...

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JPPW 12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Not all, and yes it's interesting ... and just so you know ... I just FARTED!

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@JPPW: Yes arse humor can be funny.... but I tried to draw really good scenery with really good Derwent pencils... AND when I kind of figured out that there are SO many types of green - with all sorts of colours in those greens, being reds, blues, pale, dark, etc.. and there are full sunlight, shade, over cast etc... You have to draw or paint in "colour short hand" using a low colour range to cover every thing green... as well as the other colours.... This is why computer monitors are capable of rendering 15 million colours... AND really good film or digitial cameras can take remarkable pictures..... These are some of the reason why astronomy is so incredible..... To go out at look at the night sky when the air is crystal clear after a few days rain and , there is no moon light - to go out and look at the night sky at 1 or 2 am, and go WOW - look at all the stars, and then do it again with some reasonable binoculars or a decently basic telescope - then finding that the whole sky is just filled with billions of stars... Wow... OK so jumping back to the fart issue... It's not funny and it's kind of immature and it takes away from leading into many other interesting topics... Doing things like that just kills the conversation. When you get the opportunity to engage with people - in interesting subjects - make the most of those opportunities... if you kill them with stupid comments - the people will just walk away... and you will have shit canned one more contact and one more opportunity.

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JPPW 12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Excellent point! You spelled "BUTT" wrong! (More arse humor, BUTT on a serious note ... you do post interesting videos, so keep it up.)

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