Sometimes simple or simpler story telling - sort of like reading from a decent kids book, with moving pictures..... like people wearing costumes on stage at the theatre, can be so satisfying and entertaining - and you can switch your brain off and enjoy it...
Yeah it's sort of simple and light weight.... It's a nice bit of simple escapism. The submarine model that King Kong was fucking with looked impressive...
@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: In a way, while more rudimentary in many ways, the effort, physical modelling, physical sets, and everything being done manually is pretty impressive. A lot of these shows are more like story books than modern shows. It reminds me of how old Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, etc cartoons are so much better, IMO, than the modern 3D crap. The original drawing was so much more free and creative than the new stuff that's locked into algorithms, canned models, and stupid jokes. Did you hear they apparently did away with Yosemite Sam's guns, and they made Bert and Ernie gay? Everything is collapsing, now.
@Stalwart: Yeah just watching it now... It's quite good - where as the corny men in rubber monster suits, have a fun stage theater feel about them... where as the super slick CGO big budget film does not... KInd of like the really old Dr Who - with the corny sets, plywood darleks and most basic of scenery.... The fun was in the dramatics...
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better than any modern garbage out here today
thanks for sharing grateful and appreciate great quality movies \G/
I love so many old shows and movies. Back when society wasn't AIDS incarnate.