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Kiwis are going down the drain...

Published on 19 Dec 2022 / In News & Politics

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago  

They want everyone to be a snitch for the government.
Stupid people will do it. Tell on their neighbours, friends, even family.
This happened in Europe before, and it's coming again.

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GenerationLESS 2 years ago

Happened here in America too. During the Revolutionary War the ones that chummed up to the British were called "Torries".

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Leader_Desslok 2 years ago

East German Stasi comes to Kiwi Land ! And i thought that the cold war was over .

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HairlessMonkey 2 years ago

They turned into a bunch of cold war era communists (or nazis, they're all the same to me). That knock on your door at 3:00 in the morning is probably because of something your kid(s) told their teacher or what some nosy neighbor said to the police. After you start seeing your friends and family dragged off we need to know, Do you feel safer now?

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pathologicalimbicile 2 years ago


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red maple
red maple 2 years ago

"I always feel like somebody's watching me"

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

The crazy PM wants full control and will horsey smile about it

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