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Korean House Building

Published on 29 Dec 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Heavyhand 2 months ago

This reminds me of construction in the Nordic countries. Lots of prefab.

Probably because of a short buildings season.

These Korean guys absolutely did not seem to care at all about energy efficiency, and like the man said one earthquake would knock the whole thing over.

The roof tile underlayment was a self adhering role, but they did not take the release paper off and stick it down

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Heavyhand 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I live and build in a place known for earthquakes. That said everything they’re doing seems to work great but I can’t explain why. It goes against connecting the foundation to the structure I’ve ever learned. very interesting thank you Shane for another great post.

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I think there is room for improvement upon the general hypothesis by all and sundry - the building had all the prerequisits of designing in timber that have been lasting centuries. The thick panelling - was the insulating wall materials. These people are not stupid. I think they fully understand the principles of good building design and construction - it's just their traditional / modern adaptations may not be as apparent to some as it is to them.

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Some of these temples are 800 years old...

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@Heavyhand: A whole heap of engineers went to study why the temples had stood up for centuries - even in high and savage earthquake zones in Japon etc, and the temples had never broken., and the guys who created them understood how to design them so that the buildings kind of flexed and floated and pivoted - I have not seen these in a LONG time... Best to consult the experts> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG37gQSvrf4 -------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-3lHX-2fG0

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@Heavyhand: The three videos make for a composite education... they say similar and different things... AND the last one drops the whole issue into place, on seeing the same elements in the Korean house with the free standing posts. This is a "lost comment" - "Roughly two earthquakes are recorded per year, but few have any major impact." - they have very little impact / resulting damage (?) because all the buildings are designed to not become damaged.... Not that the earthquakes would be way worse on buildings that could not survive fuck all - in the way of earthquakes - like rocks stuck together with mud, like in some places where timber is scarce.... Big earthquake and the whole village turns to rubble...

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@Heavyhand: Thanks to the American builder, you, and all the educational sites, I am NOW seeing the free standing posts and the floating roofs and the common principles of the earthquake resistant building designs.... "I am ""seeing"" the design features" in the buildings.

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