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Kosher Macdonald in Israël doesn't serve you if not vaxxed !

Published on 05 Jan 2022 / In News & Politics

⁣Kosher Macdonald in Israël doesn't serve you if not vaxxed !

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Mc Burn the fucking Mc Store Mc Down - starting with big balls of menstral rags soaked in flaming pig fat, launched from ancient Roman trebuchets.

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Mustang 3 years ago

Just say no to Antisemitism. 6 million murdered Jews will thank you.

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Mustang 3 years ago

The Nations with the highest percentage Jabed are the ones with the highest outbreak of the Omnicron Variant. That's because the Jab is creating the Variants through ADE (Antibody Dependment Enhancement). If a dumb old retired truck driver like myself can understand this, why, oh why can't the World's Leaders understand this??? The Jab DOES NOT PROTECT OR KEEP YOU FROM GETTING THE CHINESE VIRUS!!!!!!! WHY CAN'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THIS?!?!?! Doesn't MickeyD's realize that they are hurting their business by turning away perfectly healthy customers??? Just because you do not have the Jab doesn't automatically mean you are sick!!! It's the Jabed who are spreading the Virus. Why is this so hard for millions of people to figure out??????

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sithsith 3 years ago

The Satanists who are doing this shit must burn in hell!

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bigintol03 3 years ago

Fuck McDonald's, and FUCK Israel!!!

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sithsith 3 years ago

Macdonald is just the carpet of the Jew Eaters !

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

You mean Kosher? At first I thought you were referring to Jared Kushner.

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sithsith 3 years ago

Kosher , kacher like they say. It was a nice pun kusher!

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sithsith 3 years ago

The Muslims call it Halal !

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

@sithsith: Halalan Toyyiban. Sharia compliance and good.

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