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Lara Croft Redesign MAN JAW While PlayStation DOUBLES DOWN On DEI With Trans Casting

Published on 25 Jun 2024 / In Gaming

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KEEPER 6 days ago  

just like Disney and Kathleen Kennedy, they always double down on this nonsense and they never seem to pay any attention to each other when one go full woke and ends up going full broke.

the more they alienate their community the more they will fail.

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sauger1001 5 days ago

Their response to the pushback: "OH! Who hurt you?!? REEEEE!" These jokes write themselves. Lol!

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WMHarrison94 5 days ago

What do I think? Boycott. Boycott. Boycott. Fuck them: They changed Lara to Larry Croft. Fini. Taking guns out of Halo? Are you fucking retarded? Play the old Halo games: I think I have Halo 2 and boycott this new one and boycott any live-servivce forms of Halo. Finally, definitely boycott any DEI games and the Sweet Baby Inc. and any like them.

They are destroying our favorite games and IPs trying to force us back to these worthless, used up feminist whores. Well, do that. We still are not returning to those fucking useless hoes.

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Furioso 6 days ago

KEEPER : They absolutly DON'T GIVE A SHIT ,they will not go broke because Blackrock and co. own these companies now because they are the biggest investors .Consumers have no power nowadays ,they have less and less money to buy things ,that's why companies follow DEI rules ,they don't want to lose money from their investors + Blackrock aka Rotschilds/banks create money from nothing and create debts at the same time for us the people to pay .Do you understand now why they will continue this shit ?

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KEEPER 6 days ago

that's a good theory, perhaps some of them are owned completely by BlackRock and vanguard, larry fink, but i doubt all of them, however it could explain why some of them are a bit tougher to take out, some do and have gone broke, but the bigger companies seem like they can afford to keep losing, which might go right into your theory, either that or they are hoping they can outlast their funds leaving and that the next generation who this content is for will eventually come around and start supporting this shit, the modern audience that never seems to really show up.

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