
Latest Musings and Actual Video Footage!

48 Просмотры
Опубликован в 23 Feb 2021 / В Люди и блоги

I think I'll start recording video from my excursions I take when doing contemplative or meditative thinking. The scenery is just gorgeous; I thought I'd try my hand at including actual video.

Let me know what you think!

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 лет тому назад

Been listening to a lot of 70s,80s,90s music. As an escape. What is going on is and has been in the playbook for a long time. Good channel you have, There was a man on here called mgtowrv but he deleted his channel 2 times. He came up with logical points divorced bought an rv and travels all over the usa. With friends all over the planet the only people i see with freedom are in Russia or Tanzania. Want to see something messed up FB,washington post and the ny times comment sections. As george carlin said there are some dump mother fuckers. Never forget documentaries from 10 yrs ago and one i posted a while back on the stock market look at what these billionaires make every min. I cannot make that in According to Business Insider, Bezos has made $152,207 per minute — and $2,537 per second — based on the year-over-year change in his net worth. No more critical thinkers. This stems from idiots not learning history or passing a biology class in high school. Look at women/karens today. They tell you put on a mask go above your nose. They cannot change a tire,do the oil in their vehicle,pump gas,cook or have basic life skills and we are screwed as a society. Why i came and joined this site. I like being the grey man glade with the crazy in the world I am the captain to my own ship. I do not share my paycheck. No child support. Sure miss waking up with some asian or redhead i dated in the past but is it worth the bs and constant arguing hell no. Even thinking about paying an escort not for the sex but for her time of me taking *photos* of her to make it legal. Locally in the paper they busted men for coming to an online add for a woman for sex in the paper some 18 yr old was arrested. I mean wtf mr police man ruin a boys life for trying to get a piece of ass even in these times order followers.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 лет тому назад

So GLOBALISM seems to be the directive coming from the people running the money.. we are nearing the end of the once in a lifetime depressionary supercycle,, the london bankers, jesuits and masons run,, let's see, 1945 + 80 = 2025.... so we had economic depression and world war culling.. it looks like they will use a virus instead of bullets this time.. I believe I caught covid from a grocery cart which had been slimed, BEFORE covid officially landed in Washington state.. and I'm in Florida.. So I had this lingering virus and twice I felt a pressure on my chest.. which I have heard related to covid symptoms. .Only time in my life THAT has happened.. It was distinct... I wear a mask if I have to and am not worried about mutations.. ZINC, vitamin C and they say vitamin D help limit the severity... I think they will kill us with multiple vax's..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 лет тому назад

So I had caught covid back in like february 2020.. I could feel it in my lungs.. outdoor activity is what cleared it up completely..

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KEEPER 4 лет тому назад

@jimbennett: yeah the masks only recirculate the virus within your system and keep it building up within your lungs, sure wearing one could help others not get it, but the overall mask wearing 24/7 is stupid, and the same thing when it comes to the ventilators as it's just recirculated air, this is why most ppl died from their treatment at the hospital and the same reason why they wanted to keep ppl inside their houses as the air you breath is mostly recirculated, it's required that most houses within the USA have at least an fresh air intake within the home at all times to limit these kinds of issues. swapping the air is important. now think of your house as an massive ventilator shared with other ppl in the house. sounds like the science is wrong.

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SpaceJew 4 лет тому назад

Be careful filming on some of those roada out there wile driving bro. I feel like you really got the heart of my posts.... Im glad... Well balanced ppl seem to.be able to take it correctly... So mamy spergs like to reeeeeeeee about the waycism
Totally not knowing that the ubermensch are from all races..
Amd first thing the ubermensch have to have is the discernment of lies from truth

Good on ja

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Johnny_Cage 4 лет тому назад

Yep; you're welcome. Unlike the vast majority of dumb-ass retarded people, I actually use discernment, critical thinking, and honest reflection to judge whether something makes sense or not. Yes, the Tribe wanted to make sure that people associated the Nazi ideology with the Ubermensch only being blonde-haired and blue-eyed: and that's utter shit. I read Nazi doctrine papers, treatises, and other media that clearly stated that Unter-mensch and Uber-mensch existed in all races, and that the Uber-mensch should be heavily supported, subsidized, and encouraged to have large families. Just like any other creature/life-form on Earh [including dogs], having shit genetics and weakness propagate is dangerous and cruel [letting the weak life-forms suffer by existing]. It's common fucking sense that diseased, deficient human beings should be heavily discouraged from procreating and/or have their genes improved through careful gene therapy and other methods whereby the gentics can improve themselves [great diet, exercise, yoga, being kind, low drinking/drugs, etc.].

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Johnny_Cage 4 лет тому назад

In fact, Space Jew, if we're honest: the Sith called Darth Bane from Star Wars WAS absolutely correct in his assessment of the masses. He said the vast majority of the population are too weak and undisciplined/driven, to ever take control of their own lives and master themselves. Those people do not deserve ease in life, or great prosperity, or many of the other generous privileges that they currently enjoy. Those Unter-mensch deserve to be confined to a life of laboring and serving those Unter-mensch that master themselves and strive for excellence in all their endeavors. If a society gives Unter-mensch too much freedom or authortiy, you get a demonic welfare state managed and run by weak-minded, power-hungry psychopaths that want everyone to suffer. The weak try their hardest to destroy the strong and enslave them, therby destroying progress, justice, and eventually order and civilization itself. Look at the people who run government, corporations, banks, etc. They're just about ALL silver-spoon, degenerate Unter-mensch that try their best to fool people [with their possessions, luxuries, and wealh in general] that they are Uber-mensch. However, the Unter-mensch in power ALWAYS cannot help but to show how weak they are. They hate honor, truth, sacrifice, and MERIT above all. That explains all the corruption, unfair monopolies, shutting free speech down, and other weak shit that the glorious "elites" carry out. What kind of true, noble, worthy 'elites' would sell America out for very short-term profit, let all the illegals in, destroy our borders and protective tarriffs? Weak fuckers that want to oppress and ruin the intelligent, good Uber-mensch AT ALL POSSIBLE COSTS. They have to pro-actively seek as many ways to destroy and sabotage us as possible, so blind is their short-sighted hatred of the true Uber-mesnch. The parasite absolutely despises the very host that allows it to lives in luxury and in plenty and in safety; it's so ironic, it's unreal.

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SpaceJew 4 лет тому назад

@Johnny_Cage: so true... Great thoughts as usual

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4_ArchAngel 4 лет тому назад

I went to 3rd shift. This avoids almost all contact while I can work honestly and have some self-respect. They don't care about your confidence....they will mock you when you are not there. However, they "DESPISE" self respect. Foe whatewver it is worth, I know that your gravitation to National Socialist Workers Party is corrupt. The man is beneath the uniform. The halmark of manhood is courage, honesty, iniative, and, as Hitler wrote, "..to face injustice in silence". The good man never changes - same in Rome, same today, same forever.

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