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Launch of U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

Published on 25 May 2023 / In News & Politics

The White House

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_Natas_ 1 year ago

I'm surprised that this mentally retarded geriatric pedophile along with that mulatto ogress vice president haven't been assassinated yet.

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Toki 1 year ago

Isn't it wacist to call it the White House?
Also Biden mentions Nazis lol. Hypocrite. You fund the abortion State. As well as having your own personal elite guard labeled as the "SS" Being a Nazi has nothing to do with Germany or Caucasians. For proof just think of the gas shower vaccine genocide and abortions. Also cops and Gov soldiers are all Nazis for every single country in history. It's not even Nazis. It's an organized Gov mafia that kills people. I guess the Mongolians were Nazis. The Romans. Feudal Japan. Cavemen killing each other under the orders of their tribe leader. When at the end of the day it's all about acquiring resources to buy women. The real Nazis :D

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Toki 1 year ago

4 subscribers by the way.

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Toki 1 year ago

How about all the seething Caucasian jealousy hate? These bitches be out there buying blonde wigs n shit. Skin lightener is a popular product. But just like weight loss pills they don't actually work.
Also Gal Gabot is ugly and certainly no Wonder Woman. Ruining a busty blue-eyed Caucasian beauty with ugly Israeli. Jealous as F.

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ShadowMonk_OFFICIAL 1 year ago

You mean to counter criticism, So what! ChiDen

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