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Lauren Southern - The Internet Breeds Psycho Bitches

Published on 18 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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This is quite good.

It's not quite perfect, but it's more than perfect enough.

The fuckups - an omission and a little less than desirable timing issues etc.. make it MORE interesting.

She really is NASTY and the full video was just 1/2 an hour of pure lies and mind fuck crap.

She is headed into the mental institutions, as a career psychotic....

I can see it coming.

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Re HammerHand doing a similar story.


Her story about her THEN husband compiling a list of everyone (journalists) who hates her, to send the dirt on her too, if she is disobedient in the marriage.


She is a lying manipulative cunt. Straight out.

a) Is her story true? - IF it's not we can write her off again.

But I honestly doubt that it is true - at best it's partly true and mostly lies.

b) Is her story partly true?

If it is partly kind of sort of true - what is the full story:

I did this story on her.

Lauren Southern - The Internet Breeds Psycho Bitches

What became evident - is that for her husband to be compiling a list of people to publicly gun her down - that is ONLY the kind of stuff that you do, IF your dealing with a total cunt.

Lauren Southern is a total cunt.

As I put it in my video, (Lauren Southern) "You double crossed the Bro's Hoe".

It sounds plausible that he MIGHT have compiled a list of contacts, to use against her, but that I have the feeling is NOT as Lauren said, "To use against her if she disobeyed him in the marriage" - I get the gut feeling that after finding out what a total cunt she is - to live with and as a wife, that it was an insurance policy to use against her if she tried to fuck him over at any stage either near the end of their marriage or any time after.

I also note that "Ms Premium Pussy" here, says NOTHING at all about HER PART IN ANYTHING, and she is dead silent on the issue of IF this man is pulling some really psycho bullshit - what has she been doing to him and creating in their space, to induce this kind of "fuck her up" protective move?

AND I have noted that just because people are nice to you, doesn't mean they are your friends, and just because people are nasty to you, doesn't make them your enemies.

One of the things I have noted is NEVER underestimate peoples ability to see through bullshit....

While I could superficially dismiss the men interviewing her, as limp wristed blue pilled cuckolds, I actually get the feeling that they were reading this fucking bitch to the nanometer and going, "Ohhhh you poor thing, Isn't your ex awful, how terrible - what he did is so abusive", but the other way to look at it is that they are cognizant of her spruiking for sympathy to her lies, and they are letting this dumb cunt think they are on her side and that her cause is righteous etc....


a) She is telling on herself; and

b) The idiot is raising a lot more questions than she answers.....

c) Most of what she is saying, sounds like a crock of shit - she is lying her arsehole off; then

d) If you dig up the back ground information of what she did to you HammerHand, and Chronic and a few others, what Lauren Southern is concocting about her ex husband - is simply more of the same old same old......

She is simply going as true to form.....

She is a lying cunt.

I get the feeling that the two MEN interviewing her - were pretty switched on and they assisted her in fucking her self over royally - and big time.

And given the length of her video, this HUGE diatribe of unwatchable shit..... like her fairy stories in the forest video, she has drifted into the realms of the psychotic.... Or further into them.....

She has spit off more or less completely from reality.

When she did her video called:

Lauren Southern: The Internet Breeds Dangerous Ideologies

Which I could not repost - because it was all mind fuck crap....

I did a rebuttal to it.

Lauren Southern - The Internet Breeds Psycho Bitches

AND I put in this pinned comment - because I was very pleased with the result.

But the punch is in the last two lines.


This is quite good.

It's not quite perfect, but it's more than perfect enough.

The fuckups - an omission and a little less than desirable timing issues etc.. make it MORE interesting.

She really is NASTY and the full video was just 1/2 an hour of pure lies and mind fuck crap.

She is headed into the mental institutions, as a career psychotic....

I can see it coming.

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