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Lawful Remedies 18-5-23 - See Pinned Comment.

Published on 14 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

See Pinned Comment.

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0.00 Intro
0.04 Questions from manual:
Are chat window questions from previous ZOOM calls able to be accessed?
0.05 How to add your Title to your given name, so it won’t look like another Fiction name?
0.07 When sending out affidavit, can you send to Local Councils and police etc?
0.11 Live Questions:
How do we get Courts to accept that we are not required to pay for their services?
0.14 How to file a counter claim of fraud? Documents received without signature from prosecutor on prosecution notice?
0.16 What paperwork needs to be submitted along with affidavit?
0.17 How do you do a judicial review? Which Court does it go to? Already has done relevant paperwork – wasn’t sure how to do the process
0.19 Do we need to register with PPSR?
0.21 Interlocutory application error/typo first question (has actual, should be actually)
Clerk of Courts query
0.23 Returned question to Prosecution papers not being signed. Does that apply to other documents too? Wet signature needed witnessed & terms
0.25 They are trying to access Trust shifting jurisdiction from land to Air
0.27 Asked what land to air means
0.30 Can anyone reject your affidavit? Reply received from Council following Alex’s 3 page letter
0.35 Commercial lien – How do they pay your invoice?
0.38 Discussed Shell’s Commercial Lien status
0.39 Community/sensitive issue needs to speak to Alex privately
Trespass signs visual, police may arrive. Needs to know how to handle situation
Alex to have phone discussion with her on Friday
0.41 Sent Notice of Appeal to Supreme Court. Paperwork returned advising him to speak to his solicitor
0.43 Hastings (NSW) Peoples Council discussion and others charging for their services
Link for Wed ZOOM?
0.48 Affidavit – what else needs to be done, process explained
0.50 Locations of Brisbane for Alex’s talk (none) given Gold Coast address
0.53 Where to find The Manual?
0.55 Commercial lien/copyright – Is there enough power within our affidavit?
0.56 Commercial lien & timing, is there a strict guideline re: dates?
0.58 Unsure what name to send to Registrar General request to pay invoice if she is married
1.00 Interlocutory enquiry
1.04 Registering Vehicles on Australia Post, sent for a diplomatic licence
Not able to get insurance decided to go this direction
1.10 Registered the Consulate of Terra Australis
1.14 Email/Anton
1.15 Can they go to police to report a crime? (unsigned paperwork)
How to get into Common Law Department of the Supreme Court?
1.17 Discussed what a Common Law Court is
1.20 Is there Legislation to look up re: Courts being free?
1.21 Paperwork handed in after interlocutory doc, what to do next?
Expecting a warrant
1.27pm ZOOM ended

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