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LEAKED Titan Sub Transcript Shows Crew In Battle For Lives

Published on 07 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

Jeff Ostroff reviews the leaked Titan Sub Transcript which the internet is debating the authenticity of, to see if this scenario is real, and whether the crew spent 20 minutes fighting for their lives, only to have the OceanGate Titan submarine implode before it could resurface.

00:00 Introduction To Leaked Titan Sub Transcripts: Is it authentic or fake?
01:12 Review of Titanic Sub Transcript starting 7:52 AM
02:33 Transcript shows Titan sub descending to fast to Titanic shipwreck
05:24 First sign of trouble for Titan sub in transcript
06:51 About Titan Sub RTM Real Time Monitoring System for Hull integrity
07:34 Initial crisis communication between Titan Sub and Polar Prince support vessel
08:23 Titan Sub jettisoned the ballast weights and frame, ascending now
08:35 First message from Titan sub about crackling noises aft
10:21 Tutan Sub reports slow ascent, 1/4 of speed expected
12:45 Topside Polar Prince support vessel loses all communication with Titan Submarine
13:01 Time of Titan Sub implosion estimated: 9:47 AM
13:39 Last message from Titan Submarine to Polar Prince support vessel

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sbseed 2 years ago

personally i would consider this a victimless crime, if such a thing existed lol
again, nothing of value was lost...

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bigintol03 2 years ago

I felt bad for the 19 year old kid, supposedly he didn't want to go, his father pressured him into it!

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Yeah - even a ride down the street in a trolley car has more safety checks....... and yet..... 4 K's down at 6000 PSI..... Sure is a pretty colour...

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Mr_Sluggo 2 years ago

I believe this is the Real Deal transcript.
They were smashed toast between 9:46 and 9:47am.
Oh well...Nothing to see here folks.

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Yeah and the guy didn't menton the ~ time that the implosion was detected... (time, distance to the microphone, speed of sound in cold sea water etc) along with the sensitvity of the microphones, and if it was possible to triangulate the location from the time, distances and drop in sound pressure levels....

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I am not sure of the average background noise at 4K down, but the shallower coastal waters are as noisy as all fuck....

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With accoustic amplification - the primary starting points are the initial volume and the amount of gathering area - just like a magnifying glass.... A bigger glass can gather and concentrate more light.... So most bigger submarines have considerable audio gathering area, and the amplification of that signal is also considerable. It is said by the people in the navy that they can pick up the sound of a ship leaving port in the UK from the USA... I have no idea of the "top secret" grid of under sea detection microphones and other equipment..... I have no idea of the sensitivity and the typical grid layout and locations of the microphones - in terms of navigable undersea routes, depths, locations etc.. but small and easy to join up, unidirectional sea bed microphones, that are very sensitive but only scan a small area, are easier to build and deploy, compared to the rather large hydrophones in the front of most really big submarines., so the issue of accurate detection and ranges becomes more of a limiting issue, with the smaller sea bed microphones.

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