Leftists chud YouTuber 'Destiny' bragged about his open marriage. Ooops.
He let his wife get her back blown out by anyone, now he's going to get his wallet blown out in divorce. He was cheering it on and bragging about his lifestyle and how it's better than everyone else's, now he'll cry like a b--ch when she leaves him, divorces him (without a prenup) and leaves him looking like a wanker in the corner like a chud.
0:00 Losing the game
08:21 The internet roasts Destiny
15:16 Society is losing cohesion
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People ARE animals and opportunistic fuckers...
BUT the more destabilised the relationships are -- the crazier they are --- but in some respects, this is life...
I am not going to let that shit happen..... no crazy women, no crazy relationships, IF she has a rotating bedroom door of dicks to fuck on a daily basis - screen her and then stay away from her.....
<==== Empty Balls............ Her Cunt Full of Cum................ <==== Full Balls .
Just a reminder when you use the marriage visa option to bring a woman stateside with citizenship via marriage, you sign papers that make you financially responsible for the woman until they have 40 eligible quarters (10 years) of work towards social security or until they get approved for citizenship. The only way out of this is if the divorce is finalized before the green card is approved. We all know this whore doesn't work. So simp supreme over here just did a number on himself. I'm not sure what's worse, blowing a dude, or getting destroyed this hard. Unfortunately, destiny has done both hahaha
You know it's destiny's libtard worldview that has led him to this. He is a disgusting reprobate. The dude said he blew another man. Im at a loss with this simp. It wouldn't bother me so much except for the fact that he has raised a legion of spiteful mutant libtard zoomer simp followers that follow him and his simp gospel with religious dedication. He had a good run spreading his bullshit ideas but now this is the killing blow for him, and rightfully so. I hope this allows some cognitive dissonce to seep through his blue skull. The man is a millionaire, he couldn't even make an open "marriage" work. If this does make him do some deep introspection, I dunno what will. This fucking piece of shit. The amount of damage simps like this fuckwit have caused is now non-reversible. You have destroyed western civilization with your fucked up ideology, how do you think it helps your fellow man when you are such a simpin motherfucker as a millionaire? Have some goddamn sense. Fuck you destiny. And may doom come to that despicable excuse for a woman sidekick whore you kept around for a bit and lied to everyone about how you had a "marriage". You just got annihilated by a sub 90 iq dysgenic whore
Viking woman found an even more fem femboy. Clown world indeed. That's even worse than any type of Chad. Destiny should revisit Undead Chronic's show in a month or two so he can realize how foolish he was trusting whamen. He could redeem himself by marrying a seksdoll of a Swedish/Viking waifu. Plenty of viking-fu to pick from that are better than her. We have the technology and he has the money. Or had that money.
I wouldn't though. The question is would you sleep with her if she randomly asked? I hope you wouldn't BB. Just walk away with no acknowledgement at all. Lust is for the weak.