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LeMay "Airpower and the Man! 1960s bio USAF film

Published on 28 Jan 2023 / In Film & Animation


All material from U.S. Public Domain sources. Broadcast standard beta tapes available for hire.


General Curtis E. LeMay archive film

01:02:23 LEMAY being sworn in by JFK
01:13:16 Gvs of LEMAY in England with troops
01:15:28 Guam /plane /LeMay/in Briefing room/giving speech
to troops
01:16:16 B29 taking off/squadron pass over head/dropping
bombs on Japan/on ground with pipe
01:17:52 Int. officer's mess/b52 flying/photos
01:19:18 "THREE B29s FLY NON STOPV LeMay and other officer's 01:19:30 rocket/plane/missile
01:19:55 Berlin /"halt" empty road /roadblock/loading supplies
onto planes /plane over barbed wire/ 01:20:?? montage of Sac planes refuelling/flypasts 01:22:00 L/a Lemay & Power
01:22:30 Montage of missiles
01:22:30 LeMay off plane/meeting other bigwigs 01:23:20 LeMay in Washington/round up photos

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago ran into this sharing

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Oh well... I guess it's like all the kids with the "porn" running around saying, "Your mom is a whore" - but what does it say about them? They are all in there jerking off to it, and then they are nasty little cunts - to the kids - who had no say so in the matter - and they are not having a go at the mother, they are having a go at the kids who had nothing to do with it... And where did these little cunts learn it from - their parents... and these kids grow up being spiteful cunts.. who get positions on the school boards.....

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

A friends neighbor was special british opps he said he drove right through an east german checkpoint with heavy arms and they did not do a thing. Guy later on worked for monsanto calls himself he had a brown thumb.

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